Senators expected to debate pension changes
Senators are expected to debate changes to the national pension scheme today to require expatriate workers to be enrolled.
But the Government will be short a senator in the wake of the election of Jason Hayward to the House of Assembly. A PLP spokeswoman said yesterday that David Burt, the Premier, was overseas and would appoint Mr Hayward’s replacement in the Upper House when he returned.
The main item of businesses for senators will be the National Pension Scheme (Occupational Pensions) Amendment Act 2019, which was approved by the House of Assembly last month.
The legislation will require non-Bermudian workers to pay into their occupational pension schemes, along with self-employed workers.
It will also allow employees to take out up to a quarter of their private pensions as a lump sum on retirement.
Also on the agenda is the Internal Audit Amendment Act 2019, which adds the Internal Audit Committee to the Government authorities listed in the Government Authorities (Fees) Act.