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Senate: Simmons praises drafting team

Kathy Lynn Simmons, the Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs (File photograph)

More than 100 items of legislation have been drafted so far this year, the Attorney-General told the Senate today.

Kathy Lynn Simmons gave an update on the work of the Drafting Office team of her chambers and said 31 Acts had been passed and 84 statutory instruments had been published.

“Of the 84 statutory instruments drafted and published in 2020 to date, at least 30 of these were Covid-19 related,” Ms Simmons said.

Ms Simmons said that the drafting team’s work over recent years had ranged from digital assets and fintech to pensions, child safeguarding and the Covid-19 pandemic.

She also noted that finance minister Curtis Dickinson had pointed to a positive Mutual Evaluation Report on Bermuda’s system and framework to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism and proliferation.

She said: “The Minister of Finance advised that the review was conducted by a team of independent team of experts from various countries who are members of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force and that the first component included an evaluation of the compliance of Bermuda’s legislative framework against the international standards.

“The legislation to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism and proliferation, which formed part of the first component in the CFATF assessment, was drafted by the drafting team, who translated the instructions of the National Anti-Money-Laundering Committee into law.

“The said legislation withstood evaluation by CFATF and notably contributed to Bermuda’s excellent MER with respect to Bermuda’s legislative framework to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism and proliferation.

“The drafting team formed part of two of the Bermuda teams that appeared before the CFATF assessment team when they visited Bermuda with respect to the evaluation of Bermuda’s legislative framework relating to terrorist financing; and the discussion of Bermuda’s Digital Assets legislative regime, then one of the first in the world, and its effectiveness from an anti-money-laundering perspective.”