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Youth debate to stream live this evening

The youth political group Bermuda Youth Connect will host the first ever Pre-Election Youth Forum tonight (Image supplied)

An organisation to give young people a way to make their voices heard will hold a forum today to discuss youth concerns with party representatives.

Bermuda Youth Connect, launched to help bridge the divide between the young and political leaders, will hold the island’s first Pre-Election Youth Forum online.

Tierrai Tull and Halle Teart, founding members of the group, will moderate the discussion between two representatives from each party running in the October 1 General Election.

Topics will include issues such as youth unemployment, education reform, mental health awareness and cannabis legislation.

The Free Democratic Movement will be represented by candidates Gavin Smith and Desmond Crockwell, while Daquan Scott and Dwayne Robinson will represent the One Bermuda Alliance.

Progressive Labour Party candidates Jason Hayward and Tinée Furbert will represent their party.

A spokeswoman for Bermuda Youth Connect said: “We hope that this event will be a precursor to a national debate with all parties represented.

“It is our leaders’ responsibilities to provide citizens with adequate information from which they may make an informed decision at the polls on October 1.

“Not only does a representative debate allow for citizens to be knowledgeable of where each party stands on each respective issue, but also fosters the environment for a robust democracy.”

The debate was organised in partnership with Bermemes and the Women’s Resource Centre.

The debate will take place from 6pm to 9pm tonight and can be streamed on the group’s YouTube and Facebook pages as well as on their Instagram page.

Links can be found below:

• YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjkqEnD1MmetgDsH8ZxR7kw

• Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/bermudayouthconnect/

• Instagram: @bermudayouthconnect.