Renee Ming joins virtual town hall on faith and leadership
The Minister of National Security will this week join an international panel in a virtual town hall on faith in leadership.
Renee Ming will be joined on Friday in a virtual town hall by Johnetta Cole, president of the National Council for Negro Women, and Bishop Leah Daughtry, the former CEO of the Democratic National Convention Committee for the first Episcopal District AME Women in Ministry.
The discussion will be moderated by Reverend Regena Thomas, a former Secretary of State for New Jersey.
A spokeswoman said: “Ms Ming will bring her expertise as a community activist and a Government Minister to the discussion.”
The event is part of AME Women in Ministry’s annual summit, which will be held digitally on Friday and Saturday, with representatives from across the world taking part.
Reverend Emilygail Dill, the president of the organisation, said: "The theme for this year's summit, ’Iron Sharpens Iron’, speaks to our renewed realisation that as co-labourers in the Gospel, we need to strengthen each other.
“The year 2020 and the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic brought many challenges that caused us to have to become more prayerful, more creative, expand our knowledge, hone our gifts and depend on each other for support, direction, resources and fellowship in spite of diminished opportunities for large gatherings and in-person encounters.
“The re-emergence of racial tension in multiple communities along with increased socio-economic demands have challenged us to embark on ministry outside of the walls and develop new partnerships to impact change. "
The virtual town hall is free to watch and open to all, with online registration taking place at