Education Act amendment to be tabled
The Opposition’s Reply to the Budget is scheduled to dominate today’s sitting of the House of Assembly.
Cole Simons, the Opposition leader and shadow finance minister, will respond to the 2021-22 Budget delivered last Friday by Curtis Dickinson, the Minister of Finance.
Diallo Rabain, the education minister, is to table an amendment to the Education Act and David Burt, the Premier, is expected to speak on plans for the island’s economy.
Tinée Furbert, the Minister of Social Development and Seniors, will table the latest annual report for the Human Rights Commission.
Wayne Furbert, the Cabinet Office minister, will talk about the phasing out of the Department of Human Resources, which was replaced last year with the Department of Employee and Organisational Development.
Kim Wilson, the health minister, will update the House on the coronavirus vaccination programme and Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch, the public works minister, will discuss economic stimulus construction plans.
Ms Wilson will also highlight details of the Government contracts to fight Covid-19 in response to Parliamentary questions.
Walter Roban, the home affairs minister, is expected to talk to the House on the problem of single use plastics.