Senate passes independent Human Rights Tribunal laws
Legislation to create an independent Human Rights Tribunal were given the green light in the senate yesterday.
The Human Rights Amendment Act 2021 is intended to give the tribunal – which hears human rights complaints – greater autonomy from the Human Rights Commission.
The amendments also set out who would able to sit on the tribunal, how it should be appointed and how many members it should have.
Lindsey Simmons, the Junior Minister for Seniors and Social Development, said the legislation will prevent those on the HRC from serving on the HRT until at least two years after they have left that post.
Senators also approved the Marine and Ports Services Amendment Act 2021, which was drawn up to tighten regulations for the piloting of Bermudian vessels.
The legislation mandates the use of pilots for ships and includes a clause that requires pilots be provided with provisions and accommodations if they are required to remain on the ship because of quarantine or weather.