MPs to debate tour vehicles in parks after Senate amendment
Moves to allow a wider range of guided tour services across Bermuda will be before MPs today, Lawrence Scott, the transport minister, has said.
The legislation is aimed at allowing guided tour vehicles, which can include three-wheelers, to show visitors around the island.
The changes previously ran into objections from the Opposition in the Senate as the One Bermuda Alliance sought to bar the vehicles from Bermuda’s national parks.
But Mr Scott said there had since been consultation with environmental groups, as well as Opposition MPs and senators, independent senators, and private citizens.
The minister said the legislation was coming back to MPs in its original form, without the amendments proposed in the Senate.
Mr Scott told The Royal Gazette: “We already have legislation on the books to stop any vehicles from accessing protected areas, such as sand dunes, that might be damaged.
“The original Bill is going back to the House, where it was previously passed unanimously.”
The Government is likely to accuse the One Bermuda Alliance of having an “island of no” mentality, based on former transport minister Neville Tyrrell’s opinion piece today.
The order paper for the meeting of the House of Assembly includes reference to the Bermuda Monetary Authority Annual Report 2021, and the Pharmacy and Poisons (Fourth Schedule Amendment) Order 2022.
Mr Scott will also provide an “update on the cruise industry”, while Michael Weeks, the national security minister, will deliver a statement on crime after a recent surge in violence.
The Land Valuation and Tax Amendment Act 2022, and the Electricity Amendment Act 2022 will also feature.
And there will be a second reading of Marriage Amendment Act 2022.