OBA’s De Couto questions Government over Bahamas PM trip
The Government’s Senate leader, Owen Darrell, has promised to give details of a visit to Bermuda last October by Philip Davis, the Prime Minister of the Bahamas.
Mr Davis came to Bermuda as the guest of the Progressive Labour Party, and spoke at the party’s annual delegates conference.
Mr Darrell, who is also the Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport, fielded questions from Opposition senator Douglas De Couto, who queried whether the island had incurred “any costs by government protocol officers or things like that in conjunction with his visit”.
Mr Darrell said the question would take technical officers more time than was allocated for the debate – but told the Senate “it will be addressed”.
He added: “Maybe not in this forum, but in another forum.”
Dr De Couto, speaking in the Senate on Monday, also asked whether the Government considered Mr Davis’s trip to the island an official visit.
Mr Darrell said the questions would be answered “with entirety”.
Mr Davis has served as Prime Minister of the Caribbean nation since 2021.
Questioned at home on the financing of the visit, a spokeswoman for Mr Davis said last October that the trip was paid for by the ruling Progressive Liberal Party.
Mr Davis was accompanied by several ministers, who discussed topics with local officials including transport, affordable housing and climate change.