Smith’s South by-election called for October 5
A by-election for the House of Assembly seat vacated by the retirement of Cole Simons will be held on October 5, it was announced this afternoon.
The Parliamentary Registrar said Rena Lalgie, the Governor, issued “a writ of election” for the poll that will deliver a new MP for Smith’s South (Constituency 8).
A statement added: “The seven-day registration period for this by-election will close on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 5pm.
“Voters living in Smith’s South are encouraged to ensure their registration details are correct and up to date.”
Registration forms are available at the Parliamentary Registrar’s office at Craig Appin House on the third floor of 8 Wesley Street and at
Any relevant information about the by-election will be made available on the website.
Mr Simons stepped down as the Leader of the Opposition this month, when he also retired after 25 years as an MP.
At the last General Election in October 2020, he comfortably held Smith’s South, seeing off the PLP’s Owen Darrell by 547 votes to 318.
Candidates for the upcoming by-election have not yet been named.