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Young people to question Smith’s North candidates

Candidates looking to win a seat in the House of Assembly next week will answer questions from young people as part of interviews organised by Bermuda Youth Connect.

Lindsay Simmons, Robert King and Sir John Swan will be interviewed on the Bermuda Youth Connect YouTube page between this morning and Sunday afternoon about their plans for Smith’s North.

Sir John Swan, an independent candidate and former premier, will go first at 10.15am today.

Lindsay Simmons, the Progressive Labour Party candidate, will follow at 10am on Sunday.

Robert King, One Bermuda Alliance candidate, will go last with his interview to take place at 2pm on Sunday.

A BYC spokeswoman said the group was created in the wake of the 2020 General Election to raise awareness and engagement among young people.

Anyone between the ages of 16 and 30 who is interested in taking part in the by-election interviews and other pre-election events is invited to contact BYC at bermudayouthconnect@gmail.com or @bermudayouthconnect on all social media platforms.

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