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A countdown checklist for your home move

Dear Heather,

Thank you for selling us our lovely cottage. We are moving in six weeks’ time. Do you have any advice that might make this less stressful?

We are already


Dear Already Panicking,

Moving can be a very stressful and hectic time. As soon as you list your property for sale, make a list of what needs to be done for your move. Place it in a prominent place, such as on the refrigerator.

It’s never too soon to start clearing out. Make three piles:

1. Things that you will keep

2. Things that you will give away or sell

3. Things that you will throw out.

Take any toxic household cleaners, old paint and other chemicals to Tynes Bay waste treatment plant.

Obtain boxes and other moving supplies and start packing early. There are many things that are not used daily that can be packed in advance. Mark all boxes clearly with room name and contents for ease of retrieval. Sometimes it makes life easier if you can put all the stuff you really don’t need for the time being in a commercial storage container.

One month

before you move:

Book a moving company

Notify utilities/services: BTC, Belco (you will need the meter number — it should be on the bill — of the property you are moving to, Bermuda Waterworks Ltd, CableVision/WOW, internet.

Contact the post office with your forwarding address and date.

Also notify the following with your change of address: driver’s licence, health cards, insurance, bank accounts, credit cards, employer, doctor, dentist, memberships, household contents insurance company.

Set up a cleaner for the property you are leaving and the one you are moving in to (if necessary).

Set up landscaper/pool maintenance (if applicable).

One to two weeks

before you move:

Find a sitter for your children and/or animals. A move is stressful for everyone. If you do not have children and animals to tend to, you will be far less stressed.

Return anything you have borrowed.

Transfer your car insurance and licence via TCD.

Two to seven days

before you move:

Pack a suitcase or a small box with all the items you and your family will need during the first few days in your new home.

Take down curtains and rods if you are taking them with you.

Pack all personal items except those you will need until moving day.

Collect all your keys and put them in a safe place.

Empty and defrost the refrigerator and clean the stove.

Moving day:

Keep your paperwork and keys where you can find them.

Do a final walk through to check every room, closet and cabinet to make sure you aren’t forgetting anything. Check the washer and dryer are empty!

Not all property closings are seamless. Often there may be a delay in the completion date. The #1 way to avoid stress is to give yourself extra time to move from one property to another. Don’t expect to be out of one property and move into a new home the same day.

Plan to have money for unplanned “extras” such as paint/paint supplies, broken items that need fixing, additional closing costs, takeout food, packing boxes, new items for your new home.

A final note of caution: Unfortunately, we live in a time where more and more house break-ins occur. Make sure that you lock all doors and windows and don’t leave valuables unattended, uninsured or in a highly visible location. Introduce your family to your neighbours so everyone will know who should and shouldn’t be on your respective properties, and also, in case of emergency, swap telephone numbers.

Enjoy your new home and make many wonderful memories with your family and friends!

Heather Chilvers is among Coldwell Banker Bermuda Realty’s leading sales representatives. She has been working in real estate for 25 years. If you have a question for Heather, please contact her at hchilvers@brcl.bm or 332-1793. All questions will be treated confidentially.