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XL adds former Hartford CEO to board of directors

New recruit: XL Group director Ramani Ayer (left), pictured testifying at a US House of Representatives Financial Services subcommittee in 2006, watched by Aon Corp CEO Gregory Case

Former The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc chairman and chief executive officer Ramani Ayer has joined XL Group’s board of directors.Mr Ayer retired from The Hartford in October 2009 after spending more than 12 years in those leading positions.XL chairman Robert Glauber said: “We welcome Ramani to the XL board. His vast knowledge and industry experience complement the existing expertise of the Board and will benefit the company as XL continues to build on its solid foundation, global platform, and depth of underwriting talent.”Mr Ayer helped to build The Hartford into a recognised leader in property and casualty insurance, and life and investment products. The Hartford’s property and casualty franchise is a market leader with $10 billion of premiums.During his 36-year career with The Hartford, Mr Ayer held progressively senior roles including staff assistant to The Hartford’s chairman and CEO from 1979 to 1980, executive vice-president of Hartford Reinsurance Management Co from 1980 to 1984, president of Hartford Specialty Company from 1984 to 1990, and president of Hartford Property Casualty Company from 1990 to 1997.