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XLIB enhances employment risk coverage

XL Insurance (Bermuda) Ltd (XLIB) has enhanced its Employment Practices Liability Policy to address the emerging employment risks by launching the XL Bermuda Longtail EPL Form.XLIB professional lines chief underwriting officer James Loder said: “In the current economic environment of workforce reduction, challenging working conditions, and increasing litigation and regulation, companies are facing greater EPL risks than ever before. Many US regulatory bodies, including the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and US Department of Labor, are stepping up their monitoring and investigation of employment practices.“For example, the EEOC had its budget increased by $23 million in 2010. It is expected to receive an additional $18 million and hire 100 new investigators this year. Just as these organisations are focused on building their resources to strengthen their efforts, companies must be vigilant in understanding their risks, the value of EPL coverage and ensuring that they are adequately protected.”The 2011 XL Bermuda Longtail EPL Form covers a variety of current and growing risks such as genetic discrimination, immigration issues, military service protections, harassment and all manner of retaliation including those exposures that may arise from recent Wall Street reform regulations regarding whistle blowing.Other areas the form addresses are full punitive damages coverage (no need for an offshore wrap), no panel counsel requirement, coverage for claims by independent contractors who allege employment status, workplace bullying, and harassment via electronic communication including internet social networking.