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Catlin named E&Y’s UK Entrepreneur of the Year

Stephen Catlin

Stephen Catlin, the founder and chief executive officer of Bermuda-based insurer Catlin Group, was named Ernst & Young UK Entrepreneur Of The Year in London.Sponsored by Credit Suisse, hosted by Fiona Bruce and attended by UK Business Secretary Vince Cable, the awards ceremony was held at The Park Lane Hilton Hotel. Catlin competed with 42 other business leaders from companies across the UK including Nails Inc, Adconion Media Group, The Mountain Group and Wonga.com.Starting in 1984 with two people, £25,000 of capital and £25,000 of loans in the Lloyds of London market, under Mr Catlin the company grew to become a global insurance player with a turnover of £2.6 billion operating in 52 offices in 22 countries employing more than 1600 staff.The independent judges said Mr Catlin’s drive and vision helped put the company in a ‘premier position in a sector where the UK continues to lead the world’. They praised Mr Catlin’s vision for helping the company grow organically and globally through nurturing expert talent, and is now “considered in the industry as the one to be measured against”.The judges praised strategic moves such as the 2006 acquisition of rival Wellington, which alongside geographic expansion, had seen growth in a period after hurricane Katrina when many insurers incurred major losses. The firm also sponsors the Catlin Arctic Survey to increase scientific knowledge of environmental changes and catastrophes.Richard Hall, UK Entrepreneur of the Year Leader, said: “Stephen built his company in London but showed innovation and vision in exporting his brand across the globe. While traditional Lloyd’s companies had never set up operations outside of that market, Stephen recognised the competitive advantage of global expansion including the US, Asia, Europe and Canada.“It is testament to his instinct that his company, while operating in a sector buffeted by recent catastrophes and disasters, is a global leader making billions and looking to further expand into China, India and Latin America.”Mr Catlin will now go on to compete globally with more than 50 other country finalists at the Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur of The Year awards in Monte Carlo next year.The judging is based on the criteria of entrepreneurial spirit, global impact, strategic direction, personal integrity and influence, innovation, financial performance and individual and corporate social responsibility.