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XL Re’s Fisher moves from Bermuda to Toronto

Tim Fisher has moved from XL Re’s Bermuda operation to take charge of the company’s Canadian reinsurance operation.Mr Fisher becomes senior vice-president and Canadian branch manager and will report to managing director and head of casualty reinsurance in North America Christopher Buse.Mr Fisher will be responsible for leading XL’s Toronto-based reinsurance underwriting team and ensuring the further development of existing industry relationships while building new ones throughout Canada.He has more than 25 years of experience in the reinsurance industry. In Bermuda, Mr Fisher was senior vice-president and underwriter at XL Re.During his 12 years on the Island, the company said last night he was instrumental in helping to grow the reinsurance book of business which comprises a broad range of risks, including US and international property catastrophe and specialty risks. Prior to joining XL in 2000, he held progressively senior roles in claims and underwriting in the London market.Commenting on Mr Fisher’s appointment, Mr Buse said: “Canada is an important market for XL, and we are fortunate to have someone of Tim’s calibre leading our operations. His vast industry experience and knowledge will fully complement the expertise within our existing Toronto team and help to further strengthen our presence in the Canadian market.”