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ABIR’s Kading gets the ice bucket treatment

The Bermuda insurance industry’s leading lobbyist got a freezing drenching today at the hands of a gleeful American regulator.Bradley Kading, president of the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers, had the bucket of ice and water poured over his head by Michael McRaith, director of the US Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office (see attached video).The ceremony in front of the White House was all for a good cause. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge raises money for the ALS Association, a non-profit organisation that fights Lou Gehrig’s Disease.Getting dunked alongside Mr Kading was Frank Nutter, president of the Reinsurance Association of America.“Having been challenged by my brother Brian to take the ALS ice bucket challenge I challenged Frank Nutter and his board to make donations to ALS charities or face a ritual dunking in the Great Sound in Bermuda at the September Reinsurance Association of America Board meeting,” Mr Kading said.“Frank in turn challenged the ABIR board to make contributions to ALS or face a dunking in the Potomac at the February RAA Board meeting in Washington. Our celebrity ice water pourer? US Treasury FIO Director Michael McRaith. He seemed to enjoy himself far too much!“Needless to say we attracted a crowd, particularly because I was wearing red Bermuda shorts. The shorts with tie and blazer seemed to be quite the attention getter on a hot Washington day.”Mr Kading waved a Bermuda flag, as well as UK and US flags, at the ceremony.He added: “I’ve made a $1,000 personal contribution in honour of three friends who died way too young with this disease.”Go to the link http://www.alsa.org/donate/ to donate to the ALS Association.