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CEO keen to help others on career path

Great foundation: Thomas Olunloyo, CEO of Legal & General Reinsurance, has spoken about how the company is assisting young Bermudians to learn about the company, the sector and career-enhancing educational opportunities (Photograph by scott Neil)

Bermudian-based Legal & General Reinsurance is taking an active role in helping young Bermudians learn about and potentially establish a career in the insurance sector.

It is doing so through a combination of scholarship, internship and graduate recruitment opportunities.

Thomas Olunloyo, chief executive officer, knows from experience the value of helping others by supporting them through mentorship and scholarships. He took a similar path as he moved into the sector, firstly with Deloitte and then MetLife Assurance Ltd, before his move to Bermuda with Legal & General Re.

He is keen for Bermudians to have opportunities to enter the insurance and reinsurance industry, and he involves himself in achieving those goals. He said it is part of the ethos of the Legal & General group, a British multinational financial services company with a 182-year history.

“As a company we have this philosophy of inclusive capitalism. It’s part of the fabric of our organisation,” Mr Olunloyo said.

One aspect of that is to help bring forward the next generation into the fold through educational and work opportunities.

Legal & General Re has been in Bermuda for five years, with Mr Olunloyo part of the team from the beginning. He was previously chief actuary and chief investment officer before becoming CEO a year ago. In the past 12 months the scholarship, internship and graduate recruitment opportunities have been put in place.

In partnership with the Association of Bermuda International Companies, Legal & General Re is assisting with the scholarship of Asia Atienza, who is about to begin studies in actuarial sciences at the University of Kent, in the UK. Mr Olunloyo is also acting as a mentor for Ms Atienza.

In addition, the company provides opportunities for a Bermudian college student to be an intern. It does this by providing a placement for one of Bermuda International Long Term Insurers and Reinsurers’ internship recipients. This summer it was Nicolas Araujo.

“We hope that they will do the internship and then become a graduate to start an actuarial career,” said Mr Olunloyo.

The ultimate stage is the graduate recruitment programme, which aims to bring Bermudians into the company.

Sinaé Smith will join Legal & General Re next month, having achieved first-class honours at the University of Leicester, in the UK. She studied actuarial science and maths.

Mr Olunloyo said he knows the value of being assisted along the path to a career through mentoring and graduate programmes. He explained it was what gave him the chance to progress.

“It’s a great foundation,” he said. He believes companies that want to make a difference by helping others have to show real commitment. “It can’t just be words. I believe that when talent meets opportunity — that’s when society is at its best.”

He said Legal & General Re, which has offices on Par-la-Ville Road, wants to get the message out that Bermudians can come in and learn about the sector and its opportunities.

Mr Olunloyo said: “I invite young Bermudians to learn more about what we do and to feel comfortable to come in and talk to us and ask questions.”

Anyone interested in doing so should e-mail bdecosta@landg.bm, or call 249-2270.