Ascot Bermuda joins TradEd platform
Ed, the global reinsurance, wholesale and specialty broker, has announced that re/insurer Ascot Bermuda has joined its etrading platform TradEd.
The company said the portal, which was launched for carriers and clients last April, enables carriers to view submissions and associated risk details, make queries, see material information updates in real time, edit deal documents online while simultaneously updating the underlying data model, and quote/reject/offer/negotiate and bind electronically.
Chris Bonard, CEO of Ed Bermuda, said: “It’s fantastic to welcome Ascot Bermuda to the platform and we look forward to continuing to work closely with them. We are extremely pleased with the enthusiastic reaction of clients to TradEd.
“It has been growing steadily since its external launch and we continue to make great strides in its development, fundamentally changing the way we and our clients think about placing risk.”
Ian Thompson, CEO of Ascot Bermuda, said: “Ed are one of our key trading partners here in Bermuda and we’re pleased to deepen this relationship with the use of technology as we both grow our Bermudian operations in a thoughtful manner.
“Our underwriters look forward to continuing the close relationship we have with Chris, and the Ed team, as we work to enhance our insurance offering and client value.”