Assured Guaranty launches analytics platform
Bermudian-based Assured Guaranty Ltd has established a new indirect subsidiary, AG Analytics, that is developing a new municipal fintech platform for asset management firms, banks, insurance companies and municipal advisers.
The municipal bond insurer said the AG Analytics platform planned to offer best-in-class technology and turnkey solutions to replace fragmented data resources now in use by municipal asset managers, analysts and other market participants.
“As the leading municipal bond insurer, Assured Guaranty has the municipal research experience and extensive market relationships to help AG Analytics develop and market a research platform designed to set the industry standard for data access and analytic power,” said Dominic Frederico, president and chief executive of Assured Guaranty.
Justin Land will be leading this effort as CEO of AG Analytics. Before joining Assured Guaranty, Mr Land was managing director of specialty wealth solutions at investment giant Charles Schwab.