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Claire Cordell appointed to Sompo’s UK board

Claire Cordell, non-executive director, chairwoman of the audit committee

Sompo International, the Bermudian-based global provider of commercial and consumer property and casualty re/insurance, has appointed Claire Cordell as non-executive director, chairwoman of the audit committee, for the company’s UK subsidiary board of directors.

“I’m very pleased to welcome Claire to Sompo. Her world-class leadership and expertise will be invaluable as we expand and grow our business globally,” said James Shea, executive chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Sompo International.

Julian James, CEO, global markets, commercial P&C, added: “I’m thrilled to have Claire as a member of our UK board. She joins us at a pivotal time in our growth journey and I am confident that her breadth of experience, operational insight and industry knowledge will be a great asset.”

Ms Cordell has more than 25 years’ experience in financial services and most recently served as CFO for Aldermore Bank, where she was also on the board as an executive for two years.

Sompo said she brought a broad skill set in finance and had particular knowledge in M&A and investor relations.

Her insurance industry experience includes senior roles at RSA and Winterthur (P&C and life insurance).

James Shea, executive chairman of the board of directors and CEO for Sompo International (File photograph)
Julian James, CEO, global markets, commercial P&C (File photograph)
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Published June 06, 2023 at 6:25 pm (Updated June 06, 2023 at 9:51 pm)

Claire Cordell appointed to Sompo’s UK board

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