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Grave owners told to pay up

The church needs the money to keep the Pembroke churchyard in good order.However, Cdr. David Blair has stressed that the church is not threatening to exhume any bodies.

owners pay maintenance costs.

The church needs the money to keep the Pembroke churchyard in good order.

However, Cdr. David Blair has stressed that the church is not threatening to exhume any bodies.

Retired, Cdr. Blair is the man who was given the task of keeping the churchyard tidy two years ago.

The graves had been left in the hands of family members but Cdr. Blair said the churchyard had become "a disgrace'', so families were asked to pay an annual fee of $45 to $60 to meet maintenance costs. That included paying two gardeners and giving the headstones a coat of paint once a year.

Cdr. Blair said: "The church does not make any money out of this. We just about cover costs for maintenance. Painting alone costs $20,000 a year. People have commented on how beautiful the churchyard looks.

"We just put out a gentle reminder to tell people that their payments had lapsed over three years, although we normally give them five, and if they did not contact the church the graves would be repossessed.

"There will be no bones dug up. It simply means other people can now buy those graves and we will change the headstones.'' He said he was also attempting to get the church records up to date as regards who exactly owned the graves and whether owners had left the Island.

The church is presently attempting to extend the graveyard and Cdr. Blair said it was important to know if there were any spaces left in the present area.

"There may be people out there who do not realise they have not paid the costs,'' he added.

Anyone with inquiries should phone the Rector and Church wardens on 292-5308 in the mornings, no later than March 1.