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Baby's first introduction to the church

Christenings mark an infant's first introduction to church and are memorable occasions for all involved.

For one local family, a Christening takes on special meaning because it allows them the chance to enjoy a little family history at the same time.

The Jones family has Christened countless children, spanning four generations, in a "priceless family heirloom'' which turns 75 years old this year.

The white cotton, lace-edged gown was originally made by Doris Jones for the Christening of the first of her six children Dudley Jones.

Since her mother's death, Doreen Jones has been the family custodian who has kept a watchful eye over the delicate gown.

Ms Jones, who was the fifth child to be Christened in the gown, told The Royal Gazette her dress-maker mother created the dress while awaiting the birth of her first child.

"She wanted to make it herself,'' Ms Jones said. "It was all sewn by hand and it took a long time to complete. But she did it with pride.'' Made of batik cotton -- a fine soft cotton -- with a ruffle of lace at the neck and at the back, Ms Jones said the gown had held up well against the Bermuda climate.

"After a baby wears it, we wash it, wrap it in tissue paper and then place it in a garment bag,'' she said.

Ms Jones said several years ago she found a little hole in the gown but was able to darn it. "For three generations nothing happened to it. But time is taking its toll on it. Some of the lace is coming off and there is a little tear in it.'' Ms Jones added that she planned on replacing the lace on the gown, perhaps with the lace from her niece's wedding veil.

For those who wish to start their own family heirloom Christening gown, to pass down through the generations, she suggested having one made.

"They should make it from cotton or consider using material from their wedding dress or train,'' Ms Jones said. "The stores sell Christening gown patterns. It doesn't take very long to make.'' She added that having a child wearing a family treasure at their Christening enhanced the significance of what was usually the first major religious event in an infant's life.

A FAMILY HEIRLOOM -- Little Kijaun Millet was the first fourth generation family member to be Christened in the Jones' family Christening gown. The cotton and lace gown is 75 years old this year.