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Jehovah's Witnesses meet

three new ministers in their church last Saturday.Their three day long Annual Convention was held at the Whitney Institute and local Witnesses joined more than 1.4 million others in North America in the denomination's convention schedule.

three new ministers in their church last Saturday.

Their three day long Annual Convention was held at the Whitney Institute and local Witnesses joined more than 1.4 million others in North America in the denomination's convention schedule.

One highlight was a dramatic presentation, directed by Wien Lindsay of Sandys, called "Appreciating our Spiritual Heritage''.

It featured a re-enactment of an event in the lives of Jacob and Esau, which emphasised that people cannot allow anxieties or material pursuits to overwhelm them and block spiritual activity.

The keynote address was given by Jose Aleman of St. George's who emphasised that people are at the threshold of the worst and best of times, and to enjoy the best part they must follow "God's Prophetic Word'' -- the Bible.

Attendees were also encouraged to read their Bible because it is a gift to mankind from the Creator and they are certain to find it profitable and rewarding.

They were also shown ways to find time to read and study the Bible in their busy and fast paced lives.