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REGULAR EVENTSMONDAYSTransforming Arts Association and Ministry Basic presentation skills, 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Further information: e-mail <a href="mailto:transformingarts@gmail.com">transformingarts@gmail.com</a> or tel. 335-6444. On-line registration: <a href="http://Transforming_arts.com" target="_blank">Transforming_arts.com</a>



Transforming Arts Association and Ministry Basic presentation skills, 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Further information: e-mail transformingarts@gmail.com or tel. 335-6444. On-line registration: Transforming_arts.com

New Genesis Kingdom agenda, Opportunity Workshop auditorium, cnr. Roberts Avenue/Palmetto Road, 7.30 p.m. Pastors: Dwight and Melody-Dawn Grant. 338-1928/278-1299 or e-mail newgenesisff@hotmail.com

St. Monica's Church, 8 St. Monica's Road, Pembroke. Free homework and IT assistance programme, 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Weekly sessions in IT Centre, church hall lower level. School-aged children/adults welcomed.

Transforming Arts Association and Ministry Transforming arts classes: audio visual, decorating made easy, liturgical dance (youth and adult). Further information: e-mail transformingarts@gmail.com or tel. 335-6444. Online registration: Transforming_arts.com


Catalyst Men's meeting for fellowship, Bible reflection and prayer, 1 to 2 p.m. second Wednesday each month, Cathedral Hall, Church Street. Strengthening men for service.


Baha'i Faith: Lunchtime prayers 12 noon to 2 p.m. All denominations welcome. Call 292-2723.

Bermuda Islamic Cultural Centre: Islam in focus. Tune to ZBM radio 1340 AM, 6.15 p.m. to 7 p.m. Islamic news, world affairs, teachings from the Holy Qura'n and discussion.

Body of Christ: Bible studies, residence of Mr. and Mrs. Kotoni Simmons, 7 Stadium Heights, Devonshire HM 15, 6.30 p.m. Further information: Mr. Simmons after 6 p.m. Tel 292-0425 or e-mail kks logic.bm

Community Contact Ministry: Service and Bible study, 6.30 a.m., St. Augustine's Church, Smith's Hill, Pembroke. tel. 292-0253.

Evangelical Church Closer Walk Club (for seniors), 1 Mission Road, Paget. Monthly meetings for prayer, bible devotions, activities, fun outings. Telephone 236-2294 for information on times/dates. All welcome.

Transforming Arts Association and Ministry Transforming arts class: Functional graphics. Sign language. E-mail transformingarts@gmail.com or tel. 335-6444. Online registration: Transforming_arts.com


African Hebrew Israelites: New World classes on the African Edenic presence in the Bible and the Holy Land; spiritual upliftment classes, Dellwood Middle School, 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Call 294-4134.


Transforming Arts Association and Ministry Banner class, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Further information: e-mail transformingarts@gmail.com or tel. 335-6444. Online registration: Transforming_arts.com

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 15 Wilkinson Avenue (next to Crystal Caves). Sacrament meeting 10.30 a.m. tel. 747-0479 (Elders' cell).

Please submit all entries, written, faxed or e-mailed, by noon on Wednesdays. Send e-mail entries to wjszuill@royalgazette.bm Fax entries to 292-2498.