St. Paul AME to celebrate 125th anniversary this week
St. Paul AME Church has been a landmark in the community for many a year, so save this date!
The church will be commemorating 125 years of ministry this upcoming week. They have activities planned for all ages, and the theme for the event is "We have many members, but one body."
"People might be interested in coming to this event because you can't understand your future if you don't know your past," explains a church spokesperson. "It's good to know the actions of your forefathers and mothers. We are celebrating our past, embracing our present and preparing for the future."
All activities are open to the public and free of charge.
Starting on Wednesday, September 22 in the Centennial Hall, there will be a forum entitled "The Role of the AME Church in Bermuda's Modern Political Development". If that doesn't catch you, you should be aware that the moderator will be none other than Mr. Dale Butler, MP. Panelists at this forum include Ira Philip, Historian; Rev. T. W. Foster, former Pastor of St. Paul; and Rev. John Brandon former Pastor of Vernon Temple AME Church. This event starts at 7 p.m.
At 6 p.m. on Friday, September 24, there is a youth/family night! This family event will feature activities for the youth and a church wide pot luck dinner. The moral of the story here is have fun and eat well!
"This is an opportunity for the extended arms of the church to reach out and touch," the spokesperson says. "It's a chance to celebrate biological family, your spiritual/church family and the community of which we are a part."
Lastly, on Sunday, September 26 starting at 10.55 a.m., the 125th Anniversary service will be held at the church. The Rt. Rev. Richard F. Norris of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (the official Bishop of St. Paul's) will be the guest preacher at the morning service. Refreshments will be served.
As the spokesperson joked, "We expect to see a large turnout on Sunday because when the leader is in town, everyone wants to come out and be seen!"
For further information, please call (441) 292-0505.