Why Tebow is so popular
January 15, 2012Dear Sir,Regarding Tebow-mania:Tim Tebow, the deeply devout quarterback for the Denver Broncos football team was recently voted Americas most popular athlete in an ESPN sports poll, finishing ahead of superstar athletes who have had far more success in their sport. The reason for this is his unswerving faith in Jesus Christ which has inspired him to lead his team to numerous miraculous comeback victories.Tim Tebow takes to a knee, prays before every game, after games, during game, pretty much anywhere and everywhere. He is radically pro-life. Aside from football he has opened hospitals overseas, done authentically good work for people in poor countries and has peached chastity by example. He is a role model with a sense of genuine purpose and purity. We can all use that kind of spiritual encouragement and elevation of the soul.How many sports stars or celebrities out there today are preaching celibacy - to wait for marriage? When we open a newspaper we read about Tiger Woods and his sex addiction. When we turn on the TV we see one seedy reality show after another like Jersey Shore, The Bachelor and The Kardashians - all appealing to nothing more than our basest animal instincts.Tim Tebow tells people to have a “blessed day”. In our age of political correctness and loose living, that is truly refreshing. Here we have a role model who plays his game and lives his life in a truly honorable, moral, and courageous way. There’s not an ounce of phoniness or Hollywood in this man.This is a powerful story that transcends sports with important life lessons for society that is too busy to care about what really matters in life. As for the outcome on the field, it really doesn’t matter. Tebow has already won.PAUL KOKOSKIHamilton, Ontario