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‘Son of the soil’ returns to preach

Rehoboth's Pastor Mrs Deborah W Dean, right, with her guest preacher Elder Joseph Leroy Bernell King, Jr. He's with his wife of 32 years, the former Deborah Jones of Somerset, and their daughter Jonee LaToya.

An absolute “son of the soil”, was the spirited guest preacher when the Rehoboth Church of God (Apostolic) at Khyber Pass, Warwick held its annual Friends and Family Service. He was Elder Joseph Leroy Bernell King, Jr.The second son in a family of 11 children, Elder King was saved in 1971 at a Gospel Tent Crusade in the Warwick Post Office lot which is at the northern foot of Khyber Pass. He was led to join the Warwick Holliness Church, situated at the extreme southern end of Khyber Pass and mentored by its pastor Bishop Norris Dickenson (now deceased) and began a journey of Christian service that continues to this day, with God having “enlarged his territory” travelling many times to Ghana in West Africa. the Philipines and Panama.With the soul-stirring singing of the Rehoboth Praise Team and the spirited amens of the large congregation, Elder King said he felt like shouting all over Warwick and the country when he thinks of how the Lord “picked him up, turned him around”, and placed him on solid ground. He went on to preach about the “saints” and the “aints” that can be found in every church. And he said solutions to compound problems facing Bermuda can be found in Psalm 121, looking unto the Lord from whence cometh help.Educated at Francis Patton School and St George’s Secondary, Elder King went on to George Brown University in Canada, graduating with a Degree in Architectural Design. In 2005 he was a graduate of the Certificate Programme of The Samuel Dewitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University in Virginia.Upon the retirement of Elder Wilfred Steed as pastor of Gospel Tabernacle in 2000, Elder King was appointed Interim Pastor, and two years later elected Pastor. In 2008, at the District Convocation, he was elected 2nd Assistant to the Bishop, and he presently serves on the District Presbytery Board and is chairman of the District Programme Committee.