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How will the Island select its new Bishop?

Nominations have now been made and it's only a matter of time that the next Bishop of Bermuda will be chosen, whether it be the Venerable Andrew Doughty, rector at St Mary's in Warwick, or Reverend Nicholas Dill, who ministers at St John's Church and throughout Pembroke Parish. But what is the process by which that happens?David Cooper, in his capacity as Diocesan Chancellor, is the one who has been given the task to act as commissary for the election process by the Archbishop of Canterbury.“The candidates are voted on by the members of Synod,” Mr. Cooper explained. “There will be a number of meetings in January for members of Synod and others to meet with the candidates and discuss and question them as to their background, principles, vision and other related matters that the members believe are relevant to how they may vote in the election thereafter.”While it is still yet to be determined when that election will take place, it is likely that the vote could be made sometime at the end of January or the beginning of February 2013. And once that choice is made, the successful candidate will be communicated to the Archbishop.“Thereafter, arrangements will be put in place for the consecration,” Mr Cooper shared.However, as the new Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is not expected to be enthroned until the end of March, it is possible that the consecration of Bermuda's new Bishop may not be possible until April.That said, Mr Cooper explained: “It is intended to deal with the matter generally as expeditiously as is possible.”What is the main task of the Bishop?According to the Canons of the Anglican Church in Bermuda: “The Bishop is the chief pastor of all that are within the diocese, as well laity as clergy, and their father in God, it appertains to his office to teach and to uphold sound and wholesome doctrine, and to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange opinions; and, himself an example of righteous and godly living, it is his duty to set forward and maintain quietness, love and peace among all men.” (Canon 43)