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Island’s AME churches reaffirm opposition to activities that ‘erode the traditional family structure’

The 127th Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Churches in BermudaThe 127th Bermuda Annual Conference of the AME Church concluded with the Commissioning service at the Fairmount Southampton to a packed house of nearly 800 people on March 10.The 118th elected and consecrated Prelate, the Rt Reverend Bishop, Gregory G M Ingram, presiding over this his inaugural Bermuda Conference, preached the closing sermon, entitled, ‘Make It Happen’.The Annual Conference hosted by the Presiding Elder, the Reverend Betty Furbert- Woolridge and the Bermuda AME Ministerial Alliance which ran from March 7 to 10 was a resounding success with all pastors being returned to their respective pulpits.The AME Youth of the Year was won by Marcus Smith of St Paul AME Church.The Conference was attended by Delegates, local and overseas connectional Officers, Ministers, Presiding Elders, as well as Government and Opposition Dignitaries.Bishop Ingram and his wife, Episcopal Supervisor, the Rev Dr Jessica Kendall Ingram left for the United States on March 11 to continue in a series of the six remaining Annual Conferences of the First Episcopal District (of which Bermuda is a part).The Special Resolutions generated the Annual Conference were as follows:n The African Methodist Episcopal Church urges the Government to increase employment opportunities for our people;n The African Methodist Episcopal Church commits to join with our leaders to enact tougher regulations with respect to price control and consumer protections;n The Church supports including age as a protected class in the Human Rights Act;n The African Methodist Episcopal Church remains adamantly opposed to any form of legislation, entertainment and activity (including alcohol, drug abuse and gaming) that will further erode the traditional family structure and eventually Bermuda society as a whole;n The AME Church will work with the Government to form an exit plan for gang members who want to leave that lifestyle behind;n The Presiding Elder, the Rev Betty L Furbert-Woolridge and Bro Edward Woolridge be warmly applauded for their leadership by an appreciative Annual Conference;n The Bermuda Annual Conference embraces the vision and leadership of our Bishop Gregory G M Ingram and Episcopal Supervisor Rev Dr Jessica Ingram.