Best-selling author, theologian in Bermuda
Best-selling author and theologian Christopher West has spoken at Catholic events around the world.
Next Saturday he’ll be in Bermuda for a one-day only workshop entitled Freedom to Love organised by the Life and Family Office of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton.
Mr West will share about Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, a Biblical vision of love and sexuality.
His aim? To encourage people to get to the heart of what it means to be human.
Mr West has been featured in The New York Times and interviewed by ABC News, Fox News, MSNBC and countless Catholic and Evangelical media outlets.
He is also the founder of The Cor Project, which leads an international outreach devoted to liberating and empowering others to live out these principles and pass them on to others.
Organiser Father Joseph Morley shared more about the special event and why residents age 16 and up should attend.
How did the opportunity come about to get Christopher West to visit the Island?
Christopher West has built a good relationship with one of the Couples for Christ (CFC) and Family Ministries Canada leadership members. He has conducted many conferences all over Canada through CFC. This CFC leader so happens to be also assigned to look after the CFC Bermuda ministry team. In fact, in one of their pastoral online meetings with the leadership of CFC Bermuda discussing what could be brought to Bermuda to help out in this mission, the idea of having Christopher West come was born.
Had you heard of him before?
Yes, and in fact I attended the first Theology of the Body Conference in the USA about four years ago and I was very impressed by the variety of multiple speakers and presenters. This deeply impacted itself upon me because it has brought together the best of Catholic teaching on human sexuality. The role of man and woman, the fact that we all have a body that can be used for the greater glory of God, is an awesome thought. There is a purpose for every human person from conception to natural death since we all have been willed into existence by God because of His great love for us. The relationship has already started, we have been chosen.
Why is this such a great opportunity for Bermuda residents?
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a world renowned speaker visit Bermuda and all older teens and adults should take advantage of this. Conferences of this type cost hundreds of dollars in the United States and Canada, but we are offering this conference for only $25 per person due to a major sponsor and a minor sponsor. Basically, we are charging for lunch and the workbook and after 12.45pm the cost will decrease to $12 for the workbook only.
He will be teaching on the Biblical vision of love and sexuality. Why do you think this is an important topic for people to hear about?
I believe very firmly that if people took seriously this way of life massive changes will take place. Our body, according to sacred scripture, is a “temple of the Holy Spirit” given to us by God. It is the only one we have and however long we have it in this material world, we should take care and honour it since it is a gift from God regardless of appearance, imperfections, etc. Also, there is a badly distorted view of love and sexuality in many societies across the planet. This conference should put love and sexuality into its proper perspective based upon the teachings of God. This starting point should be the basis of our life, our laws, customs, how we treat each other, and how we relate to the planet.
Who do you think would benefit from hearing Mr West speak?
The very fabric of society — which is the family — would benefit from this conference. It will impact the spouses and children through the things their parents will learn and appreciate. When the family collapses, society collapses. Really, people from all walks of life can benefit since the freedom to love applies the theology of the body (TOB) to life and relationships. Humans, by nature, are relational.
What do you want people to get out of the event? That they should treat their spouse or the children differently? Show God’s love to the world?
The last two questions that you ask are correct. Also, I believe that one can come away with a deeper understanding of self and in relationship with others and ultimately with God our Creator. I believe that the TOB addresses many issues the people of our Island are facing at this present time. It is our objective that this conference will bring hope and peace since “our hearts are restless, until they rest in God” [and] a deep understanding and appreciation that will touch and possibly change many lives. Collectively, this conference will include: singing, praise, worship, prayer, power point presentations and a question and answer period. This one-day conference presents a bold teaching, Biblical vision of love and sexuality that takes us to the “cor” [Latin for heart] of what it means to be human. The TOB “has barely begun to shape the Church’s theology, preaching, and religious education. When it does, it will compel a dramatic development of thinking about virtually every major theme in the Creed”.
• The Freedom to Love Conference takes place at St Theresa’s Cathedral next Saturday from 8am until 4pm.
• The $25 ticket price also includes lunch and a 44-page workbook. They are available at any of the six Catholic churches across the Island and will be sold at the door next Saturday at 7.30am.