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Soul singer inspires with her voice

Rodericka Seaman’s album cover

Rodericka Seaman was only 12 when she realised her voice had the power to win souls for Jesus. Her mother, Deborah Williams, encouraged her to share her talent — she often sang for people as they walked along Court Street in the mid-1990s.

She remembers how many would stop and listen for a few minutes; a handful broke down in tears, filled with deep conviction.

“The conviction that came through my music was so strong and dozens of people’s lives were touched through the songs,” the Christian singer/songwriter said. “That’s when my faith was first ignited.

“I saw drug addicts become free of their addictions and heard them testify that they would never touch drugs again.

“That’s when my faith became so real to me. It was amazing because I was so young and, while I didn’t really understand the full weight of my gift, it was wonderful to see the power of God working through me.” Ms Seaman is at present busy working to release her first worship album in 2018.

“It contains a little bit of everything,” she said of her music debut. “I try to offer something for people from all walks of life, so it will have different genres for different people.

“It’s kind of like the story of my life in one album. It takes people on a journey of some of the things I have been through and gives them a glimpse of the kind of faith I have developed to get me through different situations. It discusses topics that people can relate to.”

One of her songs, The Cross, was produced by Nigerian Elvis E and released last December. It talks about the importance of being bold with faith and leading others to Christ.

“It was actually inspired by a really cruel joke that was played on a friend of mine,” she said. “His social media account was hacked and there was a post on there that implied he had died suddenly.

“My heart stopped when I read that. I thought it was real and immediately started asking myself if I had been intentional enough and done enough to make sure the people I care about have received the gift of salvation. I reflected on all of conversations with this friend and thought to myself, ‘Did I make enough of a positive impact in their life’?”

Ms Seaman eventually found out her friend was alive and well but the seeds for the song had already been planted.

“That situation gave me a fresh compassion and perspective and just ignited a passion in me for soul-winning,” the singer said.

The Bermuda-born singer has been living and working in the United Kingdom since 2011.

“My mom, once she discovered I had an interest in singing, would let me go around and sing at different churches,” Ms Seaman said.

“There was also a local family, the Steinhoffs, who invested in my life by sending me to study at the Bermuda School of Music.

“I met the family through church and we became friends, not just in church, but outside of church as well. The matriarch of the Steinhoff family really believed in helping people and would find ways to extend their generosity as compelled. She paid for my first year of study at the local music school and the following year I got a scholarship to continue my studies.

“I always sang what I felt. I was the type of person who wouldn’t sing a song unless I felt it in my soul and could feel a closeness and intimacy with God from those songs.”

She is hopeful that those who listen to her music will walk away having had a real encounter with God.

“I want them to get to know Him through the music and His power and to experience things like hope, faith and love and all the things we talk about in Christianity, and that it would make them feel closer to God,” she said.

The Cross is available on iTunes and Google Play.

Rodericka Seaman
Rodericka Seaman