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Join the Bahá’ís for a special reading

Special presentation: Shyama Ezekiel-Fagundo is behind a dramatic reading of vignettes based on The Dawn-Breakers. The book details the life and ministry of the Bab, one of the central figures of the Bahá’í faith (Photograph supplied)


• Bahá’ís of Bermuda: All are welcome to join us for a bicentenary presentation of dramatic readings based on vignettes from the book, The Dawn-Breakers. 6.30pm. Admission is free; refreshments available. For more information: 297-2723, nsa@bermudabahai.org. 8 Brunswick Street, Hamilton.


• Somerset Methodist Church: Join us as we celebrate our 158th anniversary at 4pm with guest speaker Rev. Dr Joseph Whalen of Marsden First United Church. 38 Long Bay Lane, Somerset.

• Vernon Temple AME Church: Join our Women’s Day services at 7am with Rev Dr Joyce Hayward, associate minister of St John AME Church, and at 10am and 3.30pm with Rev Dr Lisa Weaver, assistant professor of worship at Columbia Theological Seminary in Georgia, USA. A $20 lunch will be served after the 10am service. 6 Hawthorn Lane, Southampton.


• Koinonia Training Centre, Bermuda: Dive deeper into your Christian faith and build confidence in your spiritual gifts with our five-week course. Every Monday through November 25, 6.30pm until 8.30pm. To register contact Eugenia Robinson on 536-2725 or rhminternational2016@gmail.com. The Reading Clinic, 54 Serpentine Road.


• Bahá’ís of Bermuda: All are welcome to “Fireside”, a discussion on topics of social relevance. The Word of God offers insights for addressing the issues facing society and contributing to its social and economic betterment. Doors open 6.30pm for refreshments, prompt 7pm start. For more information: 292-2723 or nsa@bermudabahai.org. 8 Brunswick Street, Hamilton.


• Godwin International: Presents Value 2 Vision 2019. Join Rev Dr Georgette Prime Godwin and keynote speaker Becky Davis for a workshop designed to “elevate thinking, passion, and action”. 10am to 4pm. Admission, $95. Register at www.godwinintl.org. For more information contact: Jonell.v2v@gmail.com, 518-3235. Grotto Bay Beach Resort.

• Grace Methodist Church: Join us from 6pm to 7pm for an evening of praise and song under the stars. Admission, free. 167 North Shore Road, Pembroke.


• Chapel-of-Ease Church: Join St. David’s Guild for a car boot sale at the church hall from 10am to 3pm. Crafts, white elephant, baked goods, Portuguese doughnuts, lunch and a raffle will all be available. For information: 297-1217. 5 Chapel-of-Ease Road, St. David’s.



• BJ Ministries International: Join us every fourth Saturday for our “Sharing and Caring, Sister to Sister” meeting from 10am to 1pm. For more information: 238-7453. Radnor Road Christian Fellowship, Hamilton Parish. • Grace Methodist Church: Open from 11am to 12pm for personal prayer and praise. 167 North Shore Road, Pembroke.

• Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Church: Sabbath school starts at 9.15am; divine worship at 11am. Call 292-7885. 43 King Street, Hamilton.

• Iglesia Adventista del Septimo DIA: Culto Divino at 10am with Ministerio Hermandad, escuela Sabatica at 11.30am. Contact: 236-2813 or sdachurchwarwick.org/ministerio-hermandad. 92 South Road, Warwick.

• New Testament Church of God Glory Temple: All are welcome to join us for intercessory prayer at 7pm. 5 Westcott Road, St David’s.

• New Testament Church of God Healing Centre: All are welcome to attend our Free Mart every second Saturday each month from 8am until 3pm. 84 Somerset Road, Sandys.

• St Luke AME Church: Join our intercessory prayer ministry from 5.30am to 9am and at 6.30pm, to pray for our leaders, for the Lord’s direction for our church, and other specific prayer requests. Contact: mgburg@blessed.bm or atm@onelove.bm. 14 Lighthouse Hill, St David’s.

• Warwick Seventh-day Adventist Church: Join us for our bilingual worship (Spanish/ English) in Fellowship Hall at 10am. Call 236-0077 or 537-4857. 92 South Shore Road, Warwick.

• Widows’ Fellowship Group: Every third Saturday from 4.30pm to 6pm at Vernon Temple AME Church. Call 297-2101 or 704-3077. 6 Hawthorn Lane, Southampton.


• Bright Temple AME Church: Sunday morning broadcast on Inspire 105 at 6.30am and Amazing Grace with Rev Dr Erskine Simmons at 8am. Sunday school at 9am with Sunday service at 10am. 28 Spring Hill, Warwick.

• Centenary United Methodist Church: Invites you to our 11am worship service with Rev Dick Stetler; organist, Sheila Smith. Corner of Collector’s Hill and South Shore Road, Smith’s.

• Christ Church, Warwick: Welcomes you to attend our 8am and 11am services with Rev Alistair Bennett. A crèche for babies and toddlers, and Sunday school for older children, is held during the latter service. 96 Middle Road, Warwick.

• Church of Christ Paget: Join us in Hallett Hall, Bermuda College for Sunday school at 10am and our worship services at 11am and 4.45pm. All are welcome.

• Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Join us for our 10.30am sacrament meeting. 15 Wilkinson Avenue, Hamilton Parish.

• Church of God of Prophecy: Join our Sunday school at 9.45am and our 11am worship service. District overseer is Bishop Earl McKay. Call 335-0984. 3 Curving Avenue, Pembroke.

• Discovering Christianity Fellowship: Join us at 1.30pm in the Royal Caribbean Room at BUEI. Call 335-2916 or 238-8010.

• Ebenezer Methodist Church: Children of all ages are invited to join us for Sunday school at 11am. 7 York Street, St George’s.

• Emmanuel Baptist Church: Join us for our 11am services. 35 Dundonald Street, Hamilton.

• Grace Methodist Church: Join us at 11am with Reverend D’Wain Wales when we celebrate Harvest Sunday. 167 North Shore Road, Pembroke.

• Greater Love Christian Fellowship: Invites you to join us at Heritage Worship Centre from 8am until 9.15am. We provide love and care through sharing each other’s needs, burdens and joys. 59 Dundonald Street, Hamilton.

• Heard Chapel AME Church: Join us at 9.45am for church school and at our 11am worship service for family and friends with Rev Terry Hassell. The scripture will be Luke 18:1-8 and the topic, “Never Give Up”. 42 Glebe Road, Pembroke.

• House of Prayer International Ministries: Join us for our weekly worship service at 11.15am 25 Marsh Folly Road, Pembroke.

• Marsden First United Methodist Church: All are invited to attend our 10.30am worship service with Pastor Joseph Whalen. Contact: 293-7045, marsden@link.bm or facebook.com/FirstUnitedMethodistChurch. 151 South Shore Road, Smith’s.

• New Testament Church of God Glory Temple: All are welcome to join us for Sunday school at 10am, morning worship at 11am and evening worship at 7pm. 5 Westcott Road, St David’s.

• Richard Allen AME Church: Join us for church school at 9.30am and worship and praise service at 11am 23 Queen Street, St George’s.

• St Anne’s Anglican Church: Join us for Holy Communion at 8am and at our family Eucharist and St. Francis of Assisi ‘Blessing of the Pets Service’ at 10.30am. Pets of all kinds are welcome. Corner of South and Church Roads, Southampton.

• St James Anglican Church: All are welcome at our 10.30am service. 90 Main Road, Sandys.

• St Luke AME Church: Join us at our 11am service. Contact: 737-7804 or mgburg@blessed.bm. 14 Lighthouse Hill, St David’s.

• St Philip AME Church: Join us for church school at 9.30am. Call: 293-0882. 100 Harrington Sound Road, Smith’s.

• Salvation Army, North Street Citadel: Join us for Praise in the Park featuring lively singing and music, prayer request, stories for children and a devotional thought. Bring a chair and relax and sing along. 6pm at Albouy’s Point. For more information: 296-6740.

• Somerset Seventh-day Adventist Church: A free giveaway of clothing on the fourth Sunday of each month from noon to 4pm. 6 Beacon Hill, Sandys.

• Southampton Seventh-day Adventist Church: Community giveaway of clothing, food and shoes every third Sunday of the month from 1pm until 4pm. Contact: 238-1080 or southamptonsda@transact.bm. 228 Middle Road, Southampton.

• The Salvation Army: All are welcome to join our services at 11am and 6pm. 6 Governor’s Alley, St George’s.

• The Way Ministry Church: Join Pastor Wayne Butterfield for a gathering of believers and unbelievers to pray, worship and share the word of God from 10am until 12pm. Contact: 232-0188, 336-9742 or wbeministries@gmail.com. Staff room of the Berkeley Institute. 26 Berkeley Road, Pembroke.

• Wesley Methodist Church: Join us at 10.45am for Sunday School and 11am worship service with Leo Mills, Lay Preacher. Sermon title: “Turning Trials into Triumphs”. 41 Church Street, Hamilton.


• Church of God of Prophecy: Join Prayer First Mondays at 7pm. District overseer is Bishop Earl McKay. 335-0984. 3 Curving Avenue, Pembroke.

• First Church of God: A TLC Institute Community School, Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 2.30pm. Contact: 234-0492 or tlc@logic.bm. 75 Sound View Road, Sandys.

• St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church: Prayer group in the sanctuary, from 12.45pm to 1.15pm. The group meets on the first and third Monday of each month. Corner of Church and Court Streets.

• St Anne’s Anglican Church: Open from 10am to 12pm for viewing of our stained-glass windows and handcrafted Bermuda cedar furniture. Corner of South and Church Roads, Southampton.


• New Life Church of the Nazarene: Prayer and Bible study at 7pm. 3 Collector’s Hill, Smith’s.

• St Luke AME Church: Invites you to our weekly Bible study at 7pm. We encourage you to bring your Bible, pen, paper and an open heart to hear God’s word. Contact: 737-7804 or mgburg@blessed.bm. 14 Lighthouse Hill, St David’s.

• St Philip AME Church: Join us for Bible study from 7pm to 8.30pm. Call 293-0882. 102 Harrington Sound Road, Smith’s.

• The Bermuda Bible Institute: Bible study from 7pm to 8pm. Contact: bermuda.bible.institute@gmail.com or 537-6480. TN Tatem Middle School. 60 Middle Road, Warwick. • Warwick Seventh-day Adventist Church: Join us for a meal at 6pm; and our prayer/family ministry follows at 7pm. Contact: 236-2813 or sdachurchwarwick.org. 92 South Road, Warwick.


• Bright Temple AME Church: Community Bible study at noon and 7.30pm with intercessory prayer at 7pm. 28 Spring Hill, Warwick.

• Catalyst Men’s Fellowship: Bible reflection from 1pm to 2pm second Wednesday each month. Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity. 29 Church Street, Hamilton.

• Church of Christ Paget: Join us at 7pm for Bible class. Brock Hall, Bermuda College.

• Church of God of Prophecy: Join us for Bible study at 7.30pm. District overseer is Bishop Earl McKay. Call: 335-0984. 3 Curving Avenue, Pembroke.

• Grace Methodist Church: Join us between 5.30pm and 7pm for fun and games with Quinton Mallory. 167 North Shore Road, Pembroke.

• Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Church: All are welcome at our prayer meeting at 6.30pm. Call: 292-7885. 43 King Street, Hamilton.

• Heard Chapel AME Church: Join us for our midweek prayer meeting and Bible study at 7pm. 42 Glebe Road, Pembroke.

• House of Prayer International Ministries: Join us for our weekly Bible class at 7.30pm. 25 Marsh Folly Road, Pembroke.

• Mt Zion AME Church: Weekly Bible study at 12pm and 7.30pm. 2 Mt Zion Lane, Whale Bay Road, Southampton.

• New Testament Church of God Glory Temple: All are welcome to join us for Bible study at 7.30pm. 5 Westcott Road, St David’s.

• Richard Allen AME Church: Join our Bible class at 7.30pm. Call: 297-0239. 23 Queen Street, St George’s. • St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church: Join Rev Judith Gardner for Bible study at 5.30pm every Wednesday except the first of each month. Astwood Hall, corner of Court and Church Streets.

• St John’s Anglican Church: Join our prayer meeting at 1pm. 127 St John’s Road, Pembroke.

• The First Church of God: Join a TLC Bible study for worshippers of all ages at 7.30pm. 75 Sound View Road, Sandys.

• Widows’ Fellowship Group: Every second Wednesday from 4pm to 6pm at Bethel AME Church. Contact Hope Lowe on 297-2101 and 704-3077. 60 North Shore Road, Hamilton Parish.


• Bahá’ís of Bermuda: Discourse and discussions on subjects of current public importance affecting our island. 7pm until 8.30pm. For more: 292-2723 or nsa@bermudabahai.org. 8 Brunswick Street, Hamilton.

• Bermuda Islamic Cultural Centre: Islam In Focus. Tune in to ZBM radio 1340 AM, 6.15pm to 7pm for Islamic news, world affairs, Holy Koran teachings.

• Grace Methodist Church: Join us for Bible study from 2pm to 3pm with Rev Dr Gwyneth Lightbourne. 167 North Shore Road, Pembroke.

• Mt Zion AME Church: Bible study in the city with Rev Jahkimmo Smith. Bring a Bible, lunch, co-worker and your questions. 12.15pm to 1pm. St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church hall. Corner of Court and Church Streets.

• Nehemiah Bible Conference Institute Revival Assembly: Weekly meetings 7.30pm to 9pm. Call 238-5983. 23 Ewing Street, Pembroke.


• African Hebrew Israelites: New World classes on the African Edenic Presence in the Bible and the Holy Land from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Call: 294-4134. Dellwood Middle School, 1 North Street, Hamilton.

• Heard Chapel AME Church: Join our youth meeting at 7pm. 42 Glebe Road, Pembroke.

• Marsden First United Methodist Church: All are invited to attend our youth night from 6pm to 9pm. Contact: marsden@link.bm or on Facebook. 151 South Shore Road, Smith’s.

• New Testament Church of God Glory Temple: All are welcome to join our youth night at 7pm. 5 Westcott Road, St David’s.

• St Luke AME Church: Join our men’s Bible study at 6.30pm. It’s a time of fellowship, growing through the sharing and understanding of God’s word. Contact: 799-5320 or atm@onelove.bm. 14 Lighthouse Hill, St David’s.

• Warwick Seventh-day Adventist Church: Join us for family ministry at 6pm. Contact: 236-2813, sdachurchwarwick.org. 92 South Road, Warwick.

E-mail hwood@royalgazette.com every Thursday before noon with any notices you would like featured with the subject “Around The Churches”