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Minister’s virtual conference inspired by vision from God

In October, minister Marlene Flynn received an instruction from God to bring praying women together for intentional intercession.

From this instruction, the idea for Call for the Wailing Woman was birthed.

This virtual conference is being held today via Zoom. It is a call for women of faith to come together and pray.

“The conference is birthed out of an open vision that I had while in intercession on a prayer line in October 2020 concerning the USA. By way of the Holy Spirit, I saw riots, killings, shootings and bloodshed taking place as a response to President Donald Trump losing the election,” Ms Flynn said.

“In the open vision, these things were taking place in various locations in the United States. I immediately shared the vision on the prayer line and the host shared it with the attendees and then instructed us to begin to pray for a revival to break out instead of riots.”

Throughout the next several weeks she could not shake vision as it was still very clear in her mind. She then turned her attention to local events, realising Bermuda needed prayer just as much as the United States.

“I began to look at Bermuda – the situation with Chavelle [Dillon-Burgess, the young mother who has been missing since April and is believed to have been murdered]; the murders of our young men due to gang violence, our economy. I did not understand why the Holy Spirit was impressing these things on my heart.

“After a while, I asked the Lord what He wanted me to do about what He had showed me. I was immediately instructed to ‘send for the wailing women’. I did not know what this meant so I began to research and found the story of the wailing women in Jeremiah chapter 9.”

Ms Flynn, still unsure what it all meant, initially tried to ignore the instruction.

“It took a while before I surrendered to God’s instructions because even after researching and reading the scriptures, I was not clear on what I should do. For weeks I felt as if I was carrying a heavy burden as I sought clarity from Bible scholars.

“I began to repent for taking God’s instructions as if it were a mere suggestion. I felt deeply remorseful for my disobedience and my procrastination. On Tuesday, January 5, the Holy Spirit downloaded the names of speakers for the conference. Following the conference, He would raise up a mighty army of women nationally and internationally to wail/lament in prayer for nations and in particular, Bermuda. “

The conference is hosted by Saphire Faith International Ministries, a ministry Ms Flynn founded with her daughter Shaunte Simons. The theme text of the virtual event is Jerimiah 9:17 and attendees will hear from three international speakers on three different topics relating to the scripture.

“Jeremiah, in chapter 9 verses 23 and 24, encourages us to glory in the fact that we know God. We want people to come away from this conference more determined to live a life that is committed to God through prayer. We want them to recognise that God has given us His power, authority, dominion, and His word. He is depending on us.”

Lilian Charis will speak on teaching children how to intercede; Reverend Patricia Charles will discuss ‘Women Skillful in Prayer’; Reverend Dr Hope McDowell-Gibson will cover the subject ‘There’s a Wailing Before the Revival’. Ms Flynn will present a workshop on ‘The Call for the Wailing Women’.

“We have put together a conference designed to teach, motivate and encourage all gathered to intercede, supplicate and wail before our God,” she said.

“At the end of the conference, a number of assigned persons will intercede for Bermuda and by extension the rest world. We are bringing back prayer into the church.”

Call for the Wailing Woman is open to men as well as women. Admission is free. People are encouraged to join on Zoom – us02web.zoom.us/j/84180287871 or use the meeting code, 841 8020 7871 – between 8.30am and 3pm

Minister Marlene Flynn (Photograph supplied)
Reverend Dr Hope McDowell-Gibson (Photograph supplied)
Lilian Charis (Photograph supplied)
Reverend Patricia Charles (Photograph supplied)
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Published January 30, 2021 at 8:00 am (Updated January 31, 2021 at 11:54 am)

Minister’s virtual conference inspired by vision from God

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