Shaunté graces the cover of an international faith magazine
Popular Bermudian faith-based podcaster, Shaunté Saphire, was recently featured in the international Faith Heart Magazine.
Faith Heart Magazine was founded in 2016 by Leslie E Brown, an author, prophetess and former educator. The mom of two created the magazine to “equip women with biblical everyday strategies to make a global impact”. The magazine has featured several powerful women of faith, including Medina Pullings, Keyondra Lockett, Joyce Meyer, and Charity Israel, to name a few.
Shaunté, real name Shaunté Fox, graced the cover of the June publication and shared her thoughts on purpose as a woman of faith.
An attorney by day, Shaunté has turned her passion of encouraging women of faith to walk boldly in their purpose into a successful podcast. Her Pray Plan Slay podcast ranked #1 in the spirituality and religion section on the Bermuda iTunes Chart just months after she launched it in 2019.
In this in-depth interview, Shaunté shares how she embarked on her podcasting journey.
“I knew a podcast was my way of giving back to my community, giving back to my peers, just sharing how we can walk fearless in our purpose,” Shaunté said.
“I wanted to make sure that women knew how to show up fully, pray earnestly and live out loud for God. I believe that we are not meant to stay covered up. God has made us a light so that we can go out into this dark world and shine.”
“At first, it was really just a few of my friends and family who were so kind to tune in. But, afterwards, God just picked the podcast up and turned it all the way around. The podcast right now is being streamed in over 82 countries across six continents and I just feel blessed that God has given me the opportunity to do this, to be in so many people’s lives to influence, motivate and inspire them.”
Through the podcast, Shaunté is able to walk in her God given purpose while also encouraging and helping to equip other women of faith to do the same. In the article, she explains her take on faith-based purpose and helps to simply it for readers.
“I love to talk about purpose because it is so important to me,” she said. “It is from living out our God-given purpose that we will be able to leave a legacy for our children and their children.”
“It is not that we don’t have purpose – God created us with purpose, on purpose and for a purpose. It’s just that we haven’t yet identified our purpose or if we have identified it, we have not yet cultivated it.”
“I really want to emphasise that your purpose is something that you already have – you were born with it. The Bible tells us that before God formed us in our mother’s womb, he knew us (Jeremiah 29:11).”
Finding one’s purpose has become a trendy topic in pop culture and wellness spaces. However, Shaunté challenges this notion of finding purpose and instead suggests that purpose was never actually lost.
“I don’t want you to try and find your purpose because it was never lost,” she said. “I want you to rediscover that purpose that God has already placed inside of you.”
“I encourage you to spend time before the Lord by creating an atmosphere for his presence where you can just speak to God. Just ask him and listen for his answer. He will reveal it to you.”
“Once you are walking in your purpose, you will begin to uncover all the stuff that you have been through to get to this point, was just building your testimony on becoming the bold, confident, new you. Then, and only then, can you live under an open heaven where those unimaginable doors open to you and you begin to live a life of fulfilment.”
To assist women in re-discovering and walking in their purpose, Shaunté has created a free Find Your Purpose guide.
“I like to believe that God created us to bring solutions to earth’s problems,” Shaunté said. “And the only way that you can become that solution is to identify the purpose that God has placed within you.”
• Download the full Faith Heart interview at .
• Follow Shaunté on Instagram @shauntesaphire or visit her website