It’s mankind’s responsibility to take better care of the Earth
“Thus We have made you trustees (khulafaa) on the Earth after them, to see how you would act.”— Koran 10:14.
The above aayat from Allah confirms that the Earth must be taken care of by us, the human family of mankind. We have been given this task but to date we have grossly mishandled our duty.
The Earth is weeping at the atrocities laid against it. The abuse because of greed has come full circle. Countries around the world have shown some effect from man’s abuse. Climate change for one is so obvious. Rain when it should be dry, dry when it should be wet, hot when it should be cold and cold when it should be hot and the beat goes on.
Every part of the Earth has been affected, the polar bears are suffering because of the climate warming as well as fish of the ocean. The Earth is heading for total annihilation like a runaway train.
We have been warned of this inevitable disaster for many many years but we are so slow to take heed. I think now we have no choice but to pay attention and do our part.
Governments have been having summits and meetings etc, but to no real avail. King Charles III is and has been an advocate for our Earth’s sustainability for many decades. A famous quote of his is: “If we fail the Earth, we have failed humanity.”
This Earth has been entrusted to us and must be cared for and protected accordingly. It is our duty to cultivate the Earth’s sustainably and maintain the ecological balance that is so vital for future generations. We have been overindulgent in taking from the Earth. It short, we have taken our planet for granted.
The Earth has been good to us, but we have just been ungrateful, heedless and extravagant.
“O children of Adam, dress well whenever you are at worship, and eat and drink (as We have permitted) but do not be extravagant (Mizan): God does not like extravagant people. (Koran 7:31)
Allah created a perfectly balanced world on the basis of sustainability and respect. We must consider recycling and all other sustainable efforts to help in the healing of our Earth.
This balance must be maintained by man acting moderately, thoughtfully and justly. We owe the Earth and God at least that. To be wasteful, to pollute and to be destructive are the very traits that Allah abhors.
Let us therefore in every way we can, begin to take our task of being custodians of our beautiful Earth seriously. There’s still time, albeit very little. We have to make a change for a healthy Earth the way God initially gave it to us. If we haven’t already, let’s start today.
Find out how you can contribute to restoring our beautiful planet. There is so much that we can do on a small scale. My mom always had me repeat after her: “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”
Let us not be of the foolish people Allah speaks of: “Verily we offered the entrusted property (Amanah) to the Heavens and the Earth and the mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it. He was indeed unjust and foolish.” (Koran 33:72)
Bermuda have a great weekend, relish and be grateful of the gifts that our beautiful Earth, by the commands of God has given to us.
As salaam alaikum (Peace be unto you).
• Linda Walia Ming is a member of the Bermuda Hijab Dawah Team, a group of Muslim women who reside in Bermuda and have a goal of educating the community about the religion of Islam