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Islam puts high value on education

Trove of knowledge: the Muslim world has contributed greatly to global education, especially in science and maths (Image by Pixabay)

Throughout these past few weeks, most of us have attended at least one graduation ceremony, whether at a nursery school, preschool, primary or secondary school, or college.

Some of us have even travelled abroad to attend graduations of loved ones. Many proud parents and families, as well as deserving graduates, have relished in the sweetness of success.

Congratulations to all of the many graduates and their families. Well done! Just a bit of sage advice to the graduates; know that your journey has just begun. Keep pushing forward and upward, always remember that the power is in you, never lose sight of who you are and never compromise your self-respect, integrity, or morals in this “dog eat dog” world.

Never get cocky, thinking you are above others – stay or be humble. Most importantly, be for ever conscious of the supreme being, keep the faith and success will be yours.

Indeed obtaining knowledge is a lifelong journey and remaining humble is a for ever battle but you can do it!

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that one should seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.

Islam places high value on education and stresses that it is the obligation of the parents, especially the father, that their children are educated. An educated child will not only bring benefit to their parents and themselves, but the world in general.

As Nelson Mandela said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

In Islam,  the best gift parents can give to their children is a good education. The Prophet has deemed education as a necessity for both males and females, including all races and creeds.

It is a fact that much of Western education has been influenced by Islamic education; for example, the sciences, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, just to name a few.

Islam promotes the theory of each one, teach one. Knowledge is something that you can never lose, the more you spread it, the more it increases. Our Prophet has emphasised teaching whatever you know to others. That is the reason teachers, who disseminate knowledge are highly valued and respected in Islam.

Allah’s first command via the Angel Jibril (Gabriel) to Prophet Muhammad on receiving prophethood was: “Read in the name of your Lord who created; created man from a clinging substance. Read, and your Lord is the most generous who taught by the pen; taught man that which he knew not.” (al-‘Alaq, 1-5).

Read, study, learn, teach are all components for making a better world.

As Hajj El-Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) said: “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

Bermuda please remember to use your voices to speak up for world peace, it seems so many countries are at war, threats and rumours of war. We need to continue our vigils, our calls for permanent ceasefire now!

Bermuda – As salaam alaikum (Peace Be Onto You).”

Linda Walia Ming is a member of the Bermuda Hijab Dawah Team, a group of Muslim women who reside in Bermuda and have a goal of educating the community about the religion of Islam

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Published June 29, 2024 at 7:58 am (Updated June 29, 2024 at 7:34 am)

Islam puts high value on education

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