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Let justice prevail at all times

Being fair: we should treat everyone justly (Image by Pixabay)

“O Believers, stand firm for Allah and bear true testimony, do not let the hatred of a people lead you to injustice. Be just that is closer to righteousness. And be mindful of Allah. Surely Allah is all aware of what you do.”– Koran 5:8

This surah from Allah urges us to practise justice at all cost, no matter what, even if it means we may have to testify against ourselves or our loved ones.

Justice must prevail at all times. Justice is the act of being fair to others in all circumstances in every aspect of our lives.

Injustice is horrible and causes so much pain and hurt. Even the person whom we may not like or whom we may even consider to be our enemy deserves to be treated justly.

To practise justice is a huge deal, but one we cannot argue with or go against if we are to be pleasing to Allah by obeying all His commands.

In the end, it will be better for us; we will triumph by adhering to Allah’s commands. What a wonderful world it would be to live justly among each other.

Let us strive and pray for justice to all humanity.

Bermuda, stand firm for justice by lifting our voices against the tyranny of wars and the war crimes being committed on a daily basis in the 21st century; it is absolutely wrong; quite unbelievable as a matter of fact. Let us not bend or weaken in our stance to demand justice for everyone.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. “ (Martin Luther King, Jr)

As salaam alaikum (Peace be unto you.)

Linda Walia Ming is a member of the Bermuda Hijab Dawah Team, a group of Muslim women who reside in Bermuda and have a goal of educating the community about the religion of Islam

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Published July 06, 2024 at 7:59 am (Updated July 06, 2024 at 7:14 am)

Let justice prevail at all times

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