Remember, our life on Earth is temporary
“You don’t live on Earth, you are passing through.”
An Islamic quote by Jalaluddin Rumi, better known in the West, simply as “Rumi”, the thirteenth-century Persian poet, who was a Muslim, and being a scholar of Koran, much of his inspiration came from that noble book.
Thank you Brother Richard Minors for sharing and reminding me of it.
This quote can throw you into deep thought, or not, but to me it is profound. It can be interpreted as motivational, alluding to our situation, which if negative, is temporary and not lasting, thereby giving us hope.
Also, it can remind us that life is indeed temporary, hence we have to do what we have to do while we have the chance, while we have life.
In death we give up our physical body, we are no more. However, what we have done whilst living lingers on in deed and works and in memories. Our power to exist and to contribute is over, is done.
For those who don’t believe in the hereafter, it’s a done deal, but for us who believe that our soul and all its contents, which includes all our knowledge, and even the recorded reports of our deeds live on.
We believe that on the day of Judgement, depending on how we lived our earthly lives as far as conducting ourselves to the obedience of our Creator and the good deeds we did, we will be duly rewarded in the life after death realm.
It is a certainty that we all will die at some point, Allah says in the Koran: “Every soul shall taste death, and only on the Day of Judgement will you be paid your full recompense …”
The fragility of this life is frightening, today we are living, today we are dead. Death is a constant occurrence just as life is. A yin and yang balance. Because life is so uncertain, it is best for us to live in peace, harmony and love. We should live life without regrets as to how we treated one another.
Death can be viewed as just another chapter in our journey. It’s sad to be separated from love ones, friends and family, however we can view death as another step in one’s journey towards ever lasting life in Paradise, indeed as Allah has promised us, a place without sadness, sickness, worry or death. Children are automatically granted Paradise. This is indeed a consolation.
A message to all of us and especially to those who have recently lost love ones to senselessness and evil.
Mourn as you must, but not like those without hope. Know that God is there to console you and ease your pain. God will deal justly with the murderous unjust.
“Do not lose hope nor be sad … So do not weaken and do not grieve and you will superior if you are true believers.” (Koran, 3:139)
May the fond and happy memories of your loved ones help to sustain you at this difficult time.
Bermuda, continue to pray for justice, harmony and peace for our island home, war-torn countries and indeed the world.
As salaam alaikum (peace be unto you).
• Linda Walia Ming is a member of the Bermuda Hijab Dawah Team, a group of Muslim women who reside in Bermuda and have a goal of educating the community about the religion of Islam