Spirit covers 179 miles in one day
The Spirit of Bermuda is sailing towards Bermuda as part of the Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge. This is the latest update from Captain Simon Colley.
Occasional squalls and associated breeze, dropping off to calm. We are motoring directly for Bermuda, sailing when the breeze is favourable, with an ETA of Saturday morning 0900. Trainees are still actively engaged in learning, especially as the focus shifts away from racing.
A group of aspiring celestial navigators took noonsights with sextants today to calculate latitude from the Sun, several young men and women are training as apprentice engineers, and there are a myriad of ornamental knot projects in progress.
Many are reflecting on the last few weeks. Those that will sail the next leg are looking forward to their next opportunity to compete. All are excited to arrive in Bermuda in just a few days time.
Spirit's position at 1400UTC: Wednesday June 3.
31º50'N x 55º57'W
COG 285ºT
SOG 8.5 knots
Force 2 WSW'ly, slight sea, fine Cumulus with vertical development on horizon.
Barometer 1018.5 mb and steady.
Motorsailing. Mizzen and inner jib set and sheeted amidships.
Daily run since 1400 yesterday: 179 NM as the crow flies.
2062 NM from Santa Cruz de Tenerife
442 NM from St Davids Light, Bermuda