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Bailey triumphs in Spring Series

Antonio Bailey was victorious in the Bermuda Optimist Dinghy Association’s (BODA) Gold Fleet Spring Series with 39 points in Somerset last weekend.Mikey Wollmann came second with 51 points followed by Chase Cooper with 61 points. Rounding the top five was Rory Caslin with 64 points and Ceci Wollmann with 79 points.The junior sailors were completing the final races of the Series and starting the initial stage of the North American Championships (Optinam) trials.In the Silver fleet, Flo Nicholls took the top spot uncontested, followed by Grace Reeves in second and Tate Stefaniuk in third place.The series was hosted by the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club and sponsored by the Todd Family Trust.The North American Championship will be held in October in Mexico. After six races only seven points separate the top five which consists of Wollmann, Bailey, Cooper, Campbell Patton and Benn Smith.The trials will take a break for the summer and start again in the autumn with ten races scheduled in September.