America’s Cup legacy race set for May
The Royal Bermuda Yacht Club announces that the second edition of the Antigua Bermuda Race will start on the May 9.
The 935-mile offshore race is organised in association with Antigua Sailing Week and is supported by the Bermuda Tourism Authority.
Yachts of 40ft and over will be racing under the IRC Rating Rule, MOCRA and the CSA Racing Rule, with the latter amended to permit boats to use their engines, subject to a time penalty. The Royal Bermuda Yacht Club has many year’s experience hosting the Newport Bermuda Race.
“We have had great feedback from the competitors who took part in the first race,” Les Crane, the race chairman, said.
“The America’s Cup put Bermuda in the spotlight as a superb sailing destination and the Antigua Bermuda Race is designed to carry forward this legacy.
“The Antigua Bermuda Race gives sailors an opportunity to safely experience about a thousand miles of Atlantic Ocean racing in company, at a time of year when conditions should be ideal.”