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Pride parade to start earlier

Bermuda Pride logo (Image supplied)

Massive support for Bermuda’s first Pride parade has forced an earlier start time.

Bermuda Pride 2019 said that organisers had been “overwhelmed with the support and goodwill from the community”.

A spokesman added: “The event promises to be extremely well attended and bigger than expected, which is fantastic.”

The parade will now start at 11am on August 31 — three hours earlier than scheduled.

The move was made to give everyone “more time to complete the parade and enjoy the park, entertainment and community gathering after”.

The spokesman added: “This will also ensure that we are mindful of supporting the businesses of Hamilton, many of whom are very supportive of Pride.”

The event is being organised by Elizabeth Christopher, Chen Foley and David Northcott.

The organisers predict that up to 1,000 people could turn up.

They added: “When we first planned Pride, we did not really know how many people would attend. We were hopeful for a good turnout, but we really had no idea.

“What really mattered to us as we planned Pride was creating and claiming a public space for LGBTQI+ Bermudians and residents.

“Diversity and inclusivity — as indicated by two of the eight colours in our logo — matter particularly for a community that has often been marginalised or ignored.”

The group said that as the event approached it had become clear “that holding Pride in Bermuda has created what we hoped for — space for the LGBTQI+ community and for allies in particular to show their support”.

They added: “We are sure that as the day approaches we will see even more Pride flags and messages of inclusion.

“More than the desire for Pride, we would say the level of support shows the need for Pride.”

The group said the public should attended for several reasons.

It said: “Not least because this is an historic event, but also for a sense of working together, showing the world that Bermuda is a diverse, warm and accepting place for our LGBTQI+ residents and visitors alike, and also just to come and have fun.”

The organisers said that Bermuda was “moving to a place of true openness and acceptance of the LGBTQI+ community”.

They added: “It is our hope that Pride will raise the awareness for everyone about the importance of diversity and inclusion and the need to tackle homophobia.”

The parade will still depart from Victoria Park and end at 12.30pm. A Pride Ceremony at the bandstand will be held after the parade. Victoria Park will be open from 9am to 7pm.

Anyone interested in volunteering for the event should visit bermudapride.net/volunteer/