8 results returned for search: "" category ("Opinion Writer" AND "Opinion") author Bob Richards
“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children."
These are the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German Lutheran pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident. He was later executed at the Flossenbürg concentrati...
DATE: Sep 13, 2022
Opinion Writer
Bob Richards
David Burt, The Premier and Minister of Finance, has recently returned from meetings in Barbados regarding the lack of banking services for proceeds of gaming, fintech companies and blacklisting, and how the status quo is inhibiting the economic pros...
DATE: Apr 27, 2022
Opinion Writer
Bob Richards
Even though I have migrated from being a starting member of the first team, to sitting in the stands, I am still a passionate supporter of Team Bermuda. But it seems, in recent times, that Team Bermuda just can’t catch a break.
First, we had the glo...
DATE: May 06, 2021
Opinion Writer
Bob Richards
The views expressed here are mine alone and not representative of any organisation or political party.
In a recent address to his party faithful, the Premier clearly laid out the rationale for the introduction of income tax to Bermuda, framed in the ...
DATE: Feb 04, 2021
Opinion Writer
Bob Richards
It is a well-known truism in economics that you cannot control both the price and the supply of an item at the same time — you can control the price (price controls) but the supply will self-adjust. You can also control the supply, but the price will...
DATE: Jun 22, 2018
Opinion Writer
Bob Richards
Budget time is also a time to think about taxes and tax systems. The Budget speech lamented that the tax system exacerbates the gap between the rich and poor. I recall making the same speech. The Government has pledged to find a new system to help to...
DATE: Feb 27, 2018
Opinion Writer
Bob Richards
Budget time is always an interesting part of the calendar for Bermuda because it is a time when the focus of public discourse is the economy, government finances, taxes, debt and our future prospects as a country. Unfortunately, this focus wears off ...
DATE: Feb 26, 2018
Opinion Writer
Bob Richards
Under the PLP government many Bermudians have swung from complete denial straight through to pessimism, in one fell swoop.
If you believe the government that all our problems are the outside world’s fault, then, it is logical that there is nothing we...
DATE: Sep 09, 2011
Opinion Writer
Bob Richards