3 results returned for search: "" category ("Opinion Writer" AND "Opinion") author Cole Simons
Economic cheer is thin on the island due to the imminent perfect storm which is aggressively developing for 2023, says One Bermuda Alliance leader Cole Simons
DATE: Dec 21, 2022
Opinion Writer
Cole Simons
In the best of times, the collaboration between the Government and businesses to create a supportive platform for the economy to thrive can be challenging. Given that these are not the best of times, the atmosphere between businesses and the Governme...
DATE: Jul 12, 2022
Opinion Writer
Cole Simons
Labour Day belongs to the hard-working men and women of Bermuda. They have worked hard and continue to work hard to build a better life for themselves and their families. On this day, they deserve to relax and to enjoy some hard-earned rest and relax...
DATE: Sep 04, 2021
Opinion Writer
Cole Simons