57 results returned for search: "" category ("Opinion Writer" AND "Opinion") author Dre Hinds
I always remind people that health and fitness will save your life. I don’t just mean healthier internally or aesthetically, but also mentally.
It takes a strong mind to keep exercising when their body is literally shaking or telling them to stop. Th...
DATE: Sep 30, 2020
Opinion Writer
Dre Hinds
Wow! September already, huh? OK, so there’s still a little bit of August left but you get my point.
Remember sitting on your couch in December of 2019 saying how 2020 was going to be your year? Remember writing down your fitness goals? Remember how e...
DATE: Aug 26, 2020
Opinion Writer
Dre Hinds
Acknowledging where you are weakest is a strength in itself.
During this journey, it can become so easy to focus on your strengths, using that solely as a measure of success.
You’re strong? Why not lift more then? It feels good to do what comes natu...
DATE: Aug 12, 2020
Opinion Writer
Dre Hinds
If you’re looking for a sign, here it is: go work out!
You have to do this for you. All of this is for you. This isn’t about anybody else. Live for you. Honour you.
Never lose sight of that.
Many people sit there with their devices in hand looking a...
DATE: Jul 29, 2020
Opinion Writer
Dre Hinds
I know, I know, another article about progression, respecting the process, being patient and understanding your body.
It’s not like you haven’t read many articles about the topic, right? But here’s the thing. We’re all human. We’re all on this fitne...
DATE: Jul 15, 2020
Opinion Writer
Dre Hinds
Remember how we were mandated into shelter-in-place, into lockdown and curfew?
Remember how gyms closed and we wanted to write off 2020?
Remember how you found a new norm, worked out at home, joined Zoom classes and promised to remain active?
DATE: Jul 01, 2020
Opinion Writer
Dre Hinds
It’s so important to make time for your fitness, for your movement, for you.
Many people assume that working out (even if from home) means allocating an hour or more for movement and that it is impossible with the schedule they keep.
You know what h...
DATE: Jun 03, 2020
Opinion Writer
Dre Hinds
Hi guys! I trust that you all have been coping well as we approach ten weeks (more for some) of social-distancing at home.
It’s been very interesting, draining, exciting — all the emotions, LOL — but I am actually thankful. Since sheltering in plac...
DATE: May 20, 2020
Opinion Writer
Dre Hinds
Over the past few weeks there has been in increase in foot traffic. It’s been inspiring seeing so many people choosing to move more.
Truthfully, I believe that ever since we’ve had to shelter in place, many are acknowledging the importance of fitnes...
DATE: May 06, 2020
Opinion Writer
Dre Hinds
It’s been 34 days underneath one roof. We’re all at home, practising social-distancing.
The pandemic has forced us to face the same walls, the same people and, most importantly, make decisions that will help to flatten the curve/spread of Covid-19.
DATE: Apr 22, 2020
Opinion Writer
Dre Hinds