24 results returned for search: "" category ("Opinion Writer" AND "Opinion") author Sir John Swan
Sir John Swan insists that Bermuda’s voters have a choice to depart from the extremes of politics seen elsewhere
DATE: Jul 01, 2024
Opinion Writer
Sir John Swan
Sir John Swan, emboldened by his performance at the Smith’s North by-election, plans a forum on changing political governance
DATE: Jun 12, 2024
Opinion Writer
Sir John Swan
Sir John Swan, the former premier, who has not ruled out running in the Smith’s North by-election on May 22, says Bermuda urgently needs change
DATE: Apr 12, 2024
Opinion Writer
Sir John Swan
National Hero Sir John Swan makes a case for the Fairmont Southampton development to proceed for the betterment of Bermuda
DATE: Apr 19, 2023
Opinion Writer
Sir John Swan
The operation of good government relies on the same principles of management as in any complex organisation. As organisations mature, so, too, must their hierarchy reflect the principles of good governance.
Bermuda has a hard-earned reputation for be...
DATE: Apr 19, 2022
Opinion Writer
Sir John Swan
Bermuda’s economy relies on a very clearly defined tax base, which highlights both the strengths and weaknesses we face in today’s global economy.
Our economy operates in a very connected and complex, global economic environment, which affords us gre...
DATE: Apr 09, 2022
Opinion Writer
Sir John Swan
Under the guise of “emergency powers” and fearmongering, the Premier has instilled a post-Covid authoritarian regime like no other. To come out of this, we need a quick-jolt recovery, financial stability and sustainable economic growth. Time is not o...
DATE: Mar 17, 2022
Opinion Writer
Sir John Swan
Trust in our political leaders should be the cornerstone of a healthy democracy; that belief that politicians and their ministries will act in our best interests.
Distrust in politics is corrosive to a healthy democracy and in Bermuda this has become...
DATE: Feb 22, 2022
Opinion Writer
Sir John Swan
Never before in modern history has Bermuda faced economic and social challenges such as it does now. There is probably no Bermudian who has not been affected by this crisis. Many are frightened by all that they see, hear and experience firsthand. How...
DATE: Nov 06, 2012
Opinion Writer
Sir John Swan
Good governance produces good citizenship. All elected Governments should have as an overriding principle, the assurance and/or the promise to all of its citizens to provide good governance and a results-based approach to governing which includes:
DATE: Oct 17, 2012
Opinion Writer
Sir John Swan