6225 results returned for search: "" category ("Local Business" AND "Business")
DropIt Delivery, the island’s new grocery delivery business, has announced revised pricing for its cost-saving annual membership.
The service, which entrepreneurs Carl Vincent and Leanne Evans describe as “Lindo’s grocery store, Warwick, online”, has...
DATE: Aug 30, 2019
Local Business
Duncan Hall
Small and large business in Bermuda have pledged their support for the island’s first Pride Parade.
The Facebook page of the Bermuda Pride Supporters group has nearly 6,000 members and is replete with messages of support from businesses island-wide. ...
DATE: Aug 30, 2019
Local Business
Duncan Hall
Advertising agency AAC and online ticketing and events solution company Premier Tickets Ltd have merged.
Based at AAC’s offices at 29 Front Street, the combined AAC and Ptix is now a full-service advertising agency and digital marketing company.
DATE: Aug 29, 2019
Local Business
Duncan Hall
Spending by cruise ship visitors in St George’s has been stimulated by an innovative shop-to-win promotion launched by the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation.
More than 200 participants in the “Eat, Shop, Play” Shop To Win Initiative have spen...
DATE: Aug 28, 2019
Local Business
Business Staff
Who in Bermuda has not run out of water halfway through a shower, particularly in these hot, dry summer months?
But cracking open the water tank and squinting into the darkness, might not be the most accurate way of monitoring how much water you have...
DATE: Aug 27, 2019
Local Business
Jessie Moniz Hardy
Polaris Holding Company Ltd, parent of Stevedoring Services Ltd and recently-acquired East End Asphalt Company Ltd, has reported a net profit of $801,000 for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019.
Operating profit was $1.07 million, the company said,...
DATE: Aug 27, 2019
Local Business
Business Staff
The daily specials are still chalked on the wall at the old Tribe Road Kitchen on Reid Street, but the space is no longer a café.
Doris Wade of Endless Creations Pottery Studio, took over the location on July 1.
The building at 87 Reid Street has b...
DATE: Aug 26, 2019
Local Business
Jessie Moniz Hardy
There’s a buzz at the Hamilton Princess& Beach Club — and it’s not just from its beehives.
The hotel has stepped up its sustainability programme, including finding ways to reduce its impact on the environment and bring benefit to the community.
DATE: Aug 23, 2019
Local Business
There might be two kind of parents in the world, moms and dads who adore back-to-school shopping, and those who find it sheer hell.
Dionne Pearman falls into the first category.
“I really like to shop,” she said. “I even like grocery shopping. I ha...
DATE: Aug 22, 2019
Local Business
Jessie Moniz Hardy
When teenager Dymare Simons launched his own healthy drink business, Aloe Aloe a month ago, a mentor warned him he’d lose sleep, money and friends.
“He was so right,” the 17-year-old laughed. “I have sacrificed sleep, my social life and money as wel...
DATE: Aug 21, 2019
Local Business
Jessie Moniz Hardy