6250 results returned for search: "" category ("Local Business" AND "Business")
Belco says it will decommission half of its ageing generators within the next three years — and it urgently needs permission to invest the necessary capital to replace them.
Sean Durfy, chief executive officer of the power utility’s parent company As...
DATE: May 19, 2017
Local Business
Tough restrictions on advertising and street trading will be put in place in Hamilton, the Great Sound and Dockyard for the America’s Cup — with fines of up to $20,000 for offenders.
Front Street in Hamilton as far back as Reid Street, as well as Alb...
DATE: May 18, 2017
Local Business
Raymond Hainey, Assistant News Editor
A store specialising in America’s Cup merchandise has launched a new website.
And the Bermuda Shop on Front Street, part of the Gibbons Company, has already sent America’s Cup team clothing and other Cup-related merchandise to Europe and the US.
DATE: May 18, 2017
Local Business
Raymond Hainey, Assistant News Editor
Public relations and copywriting company The Media Maven has hired a new staff member.
The company, founded by Nadia Laws, a former reporter at The Royal Gazette, has taken on Robyn Bardgett as a copywriter on a freelance basis.
Ms Laws said: “I’m ve...
DATE: May 18, 2017
Local Business
Raymond Hainey, Assistant News Editor
Lifelong bike fan Nicholas Cardoso has fulfilled a dream with his own bike customisation and repair shop.
Mr Cardoso took the plunge and opened a shop after spending six years working part-time on days and weekends customising bikes.
He said: “This i...
DATE: May 17, 2017
Local Business
Raymond Hainey, Assistant News Editor
There are a few reasons why Chris Perinchief views his carwash as probably the best in the world.
For customers, there is the opportunity to relax on one of the repurposed bus seats that act as an outdoor waiting area — facing out on a panoramic view...
DATE: May 12, 2017
Local Business
Scott Neil
New popcorn company Savory Kernels has got a boost from the America’s Cup.
For the company, founded less than a year ago by Deshun Simmons and business partner Wollette Smith, is to be one of the four “sweet cuisine” retailers in the Dockyard AC Vill...
DATE: May 12, 2017
Local Business
Raymond Hainey, Assistant News Editor
Belco’s operating earnings surged 36 per cent last year as the power utility benefited from in increase in tariff rates for electricity from June last year.
The company earned $24.3 million, according to figures released today by its parent company A...
DATE: May 11, 2017
Local Business
Tour boat Restless Native is back in service after a massive refit in time for the upcoming America’s Cup.
And Zander Dill, owner of the distinctive pink-hulled Bermuda-build catamaran, said business had rocketed since word of the series of upgrades ...
DATE: May 11, 2017
Local Business
Raymond Hainey, Assistant News Editor
Restaurant group MEF is planning to reopen the nightclub at Elbow Beach.
Once known as The Deep, the club closed in 2009. It is to be reborn for the duration of the America’s Cup as an upmarket nightspot aimed at visitors and residents, opening on Ma...
DATE: May 10, 2017
Local Business
Raymond Hainey, Assistant News Editor