7492 results returned for search: "" category ("Opinion Writer" AND "Opinion")
For too many years Bermudians have been fed with the narrative that we need to become more like the Cayman Islands, specifically with regard to work-permit and status issues.
Realistically, it is hard to argue with things like budget surpluses and in...
DATE: Apr 03, 2021
Opinion Writer
Christopher Famous
“Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been clear since her confirmation hearing and subsequent press appearances that the Biden Administration needs to raise new tax revenues…Part of the solution is reforming the corporate tax rate- not just in t...
DATE: Apr 01, 2021
Opinion Writer
Rolfe Commissiong
As we dive further into the inequalities for women in employment, let’s continue to look at the “motherhood penalty” that affects many women with school-age children.
The motherhood penalty
We’ve all heard the stories:
A woman is making great pr...
DATE: Apr 01, 2021
Opinion Writer
Catherine Kempe
As we head towards Good Friday and Easter, a big holiday for all of us and one with so much tradition and meaning, we reflect on the present spike and alarming uptick on positive Covid-19 cases.
It has now been more than a year since the pandemic alt...
DATE: Apr 01, 2021
Opinion Writer
Michael Dunkley
In my last piece for International Women’s Month, I wrote about the experience of being a mother during Covid. Now I’m going to shift gears to explore the global pay inequality between men and women
According to the “statistics”…
The statistics ...
DATE: Mar 31, 2021
Opinion Writer
Catherine Kempe
Bermuda, when the pandemic swept across the planet and changed all of our lives, it was understood that our government would have to react quickly to new challenges and changing issues. The blueprint on the actions required to keep our country safe a...
DATE: Mar 30, 2021
Opinion Writer
Ben Smith
March is International Women’s Month. Given the year that we have all just endured, to say we deserve this month would be an understatement. Over the course of four articles, I’m going to explore the effect of Covid on women, the wage gap between men...
DATE: Mar 30, 2021
Opinion Writer
Catherine Kempe
Apart from the global pandemic that has many governments scrambling to cope with a virus that has brought so many powerful nations to their knees, there are other horrific incidents such as refugee camp fires, massive flooding and military confrontat...
DATE: Mar 27, 2021
Opinion Writer
Al Seymour
I have been talking with friends about how quickly we’ve become accustomed to not touching, and whether it will feel too intimate or uncomfortable when we are finally allowed to hug each other again.
There is some interesting research coming out abou...
DATE: Mar 27, 2021
Opinion Writer
Gemma Harris
“In the cruise industry the term home port is also often used in reference to the port in which a ship will take on/change over the majority of its passengers while taking on stores, supplies and fuel.”
“A cruise ship company yesterday announced...
DATE: Mar 26, 2021
Opinion Writer
Christopher Famous