1027 results returned for search: "" category ("Personal Finance" AND "Business")
Dear Dave,
We need some advice on protecting our assets. My wife is a teacher, and I’m a nurse. We make around $180,000 a year combined, and we’re set to pay off our home next month. We also have two teenagers who are both driving, so we were wonderi...
DATE: Mar 14, 2020
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
I went through a divorce a couple of months ago, and I’m not sure what to do next. I received custody of our kids, ages 13 and 15, plus I have a good job and I got the house in the settlement. It’s a nice, simple home, but it’s paid for an...
DATE: Mar 07, 2020
Personal Finance
It’s smart not to panic in a falling market. But that doesn’t mean you should get aggressive instead.
When equity markets fall, there’s always a chorus urging you to take advantage of the opportunity to buy stocks for less than they cost the day befo...
DATE: Mar 07, 2020
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
My husband and I had our first child in December. We bought a house not long before the baby was born, and since then we’ve been getting mail and phone calls about buying mortgage protection insurance. We’re both 27, we have good jobs, and...
DATE: Feb 29, 2020
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
My husband passed away last year at just 45 years old. We always tried to be careful with our money, and we were in good enough shape financially that I paid for his funeral with cash. A few days ago, I started getting letters from the fun...
DATE: Feb 22, 2020
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
My husband and I are on Baby Step 3b, and we’re saving for a house. We’re out of debt and both of us make good money, plus we each have 20-year level term life insurance policies with coverage equalling ten times our individual incomes. We...
DATE: Feb 15, 2020
Personal Finance
Valentine’s Day is coming! Prepare yourself for an onslaught of Instagram posts featuring bright flowers, sparkling jewellery, and oversized teddy bears. Your feed is about to get #blessed. If you get to know me for more than ten seconds, you know th...
DATE: Feb 08, 2020
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
We’re debt-free except for our home, and we’ll have our fully funded emergency fund of three to six months of expenses, we’ve agreed on six months’ worth, saved up by the end of February. We’re also setting aside a little each month to buy...
DATE: Feb 01, 2020
Personal Finance
Ever feel like you have a completely packed calendar and yet don’t really accomplish much at all? The struggle is real!
But the struggle is also our fault. We say “yes” far too much. We’re so afraid of disappointing people that we spend all our time ...
DATE: Jan 25, 2020
Personal Finance
Managing your financial life requires following three rules:
1, Spend less than you earn.
2, Prioritise investing for your future.
3, Figure out what matters and spend accordingly.
If you follow these simple rules, you can ignore the rest of this col...
DATE: Jan 18, 2020
Personal Finance